CafHybrid | Data structure for the hybrid filtering employed by afSTFTlib |
CafSTFT_data | Data structure for the afSTFT filterbank |
CafSTFTlib_internal_data | Main data structure for afSTFTlib |
Cambi_bin_codecPars | Contains variables for sofa file loading, HRIRs, and the binaural decoder |
Cambi_bin_data | Main structure for ambi_bin |
Cambi_dec_codecPars | Contains variables for sofa file loading, HRTF interpolation, and the loudspeaker decoders |
Cambi_dec_data | Main structure for ambi_dec |
Cambi_drc_data | Main structure for ambi_drc |
Cambi_enc_data | Main structure for ambi_enc |
Cambi_roomsim_data | Main structure for ambi_roomsim |
Carray2sh_arrayPars | Contains variables for describing the microphone/hydrophone array |
Carray2sh_data | Main structure for array2sh |
Cbeamformer_data | Main structure for beamformer |
Cbinauraliser_data | Main structure for binauraliser |
CbinauraliserNF_data | Main structure for binauraliserNF |
Ccdf4sap_cmplx_data | Main data structure for the Covariance Domain Framework for Spatial Audio Processing (CDF4SAP), for complex-valued matrices |
Ccdf4sap_data | Main data structure for the Covariance Domain Framework for Spatial Audio Processing (CDF4SAP), for real-valued matrices |
Cch_vertex | Vertex structure, used by convhull_3d |
CcomplexVector | Complex data type used by afSTFTlib |
CCxMic | Helper struct for averaging covariance matrices (block-wise) |
Cdecorrelator_data | Main structure for decorrelator |
Cdirass_codecPars | Contains variables for scanning grids, and sector beamforming |
Cdirass_data | Main structure for dirass |
Cechogram_data | Echogram structure |
Cfaf_IIRFB_data | Main structure for the Favrot&Faller filterbank |
Cfloat_w_idx | Helper struct for qsort in convhull_3d_build() |
CFuncDef | |
Chades_analysis_data | Main structure for hades analysis |
Chades_binaural_config | Binaural configuration struct |
Chades_param_container_data | Parameter container to store the data from an analyser for one blocksize of audio |
Chades_radial_editor_data | Main structure for hades radial (360degree) gain and direct-to-diffuse ratio editor |
Chades_sdMUSIC_data | Internal data structure for sdMUSIC |
Chades_signal_container_data | Signal container to store one block of TF-domain audio data |
Chades_synthesis_data | Main structure for hades synthesis |
Cims_core_workspace | Helper structure, comprising variables used when computing echograms and rendering RIRs |
Cims_pos_xyz | Union struct for Cartesian coordinates (access as .x,.y,.z, or .v[3]) |
Cims_rec_obj | Receiver object |
Cims_rir | Output format of the rendered room impulse responses (RIR) |
Cims_scene_data | Main structure for IMS |
Cims_src_obj | Source object |
Cint_w_idx | Helper struct for qsort in convhull_3d_build() |
Ckf_update6_data | Data structure for kf_update6() |
Ckiss_fft_cfg | Internal KissFFT structure |
Ckiss_fft_cpx | Complex data type used by kissFFT |
Ckiss_fftr_cfg | Internal KissFFT structure |
ClatticeAPF | Internal Lattice all-pass filter structure |
ClatticeDecor_data | Internal Lattice all-pass filter based decorrelator structure |
CM6 | Union struct for 3-D mean values |
Cmatrixconv_data | Main structure for matrixconv |
CMCS_data | Monte-Carlo Sample (particle) structure |
Cmulticonv_data | Main structure for multiconv |
CP66 | Union struct for 3-D variance values |
Cpanner_data | Main structure for panner |
Cpitch_shifter_data | Main struct for the pitch_shifter |
Cpowermap_codecPars | Contains variables for scanning grids, and beamforming |
Cpowermap_data | Main structure for powermap |
Cqmf_data | Data structure for the complex-QMF filterbank |
CQualityMapping | |
Cquaternion_data | Quaternion data structure |
Crotator_data | Main struct for the rotator |
Csaf_fft_data | Data structure for complex-complex FFT transforms |
Csaf_rfft_data | Data structure for real-(half)complex FFT transforms |
Csaf_sofa_container | SOFA container struct comprising all possible data that can be extracted from SOFA 1.0 files; as laid down in the GeneralFIR and SimpleFreeFieldHRIR specifications: |
Csaf_sort_double | Helper struct for sorting a vector of doubles using 'qsort' |
Csaf_sort_float | Helper struct for sorting a vector of floats using 'qsort' |
Csaf_sort_int | Helper struct for sorting a vector of integers using 'qsort' |
Csaf_stft_data | Data structure for short-time Fourier transform |
CsafMatConv_data | Data structure for the matrix convolver |
CsafMulConv_data | Data structure for the multi-channel convolver |
CsafTVConv_data | Data structure for the time-varying convolver |
Csldoa_data | Main struct for sldoa |
Csmb_pitchShift_data | Main structure for the SMB pitch shifter |
CSpeexResamplerState | |
CsphESPRIT_data | Internal data structure for sphESPRIT |
CsphMUSIC_data | Internal data structure for sphMUSIC |
CsphPWD_data | Internal data structure for sphPWD |
Cspreader_data | Main structure for spreader |
Ctracker3d_config | User parameters for tracker3d |
Ctracker3d_data | Main structure for tracker3d |
CtransientDucker_data | Internal structure used by the transient Ducker |
Ctvconv_data | Main structure for tvconv |
Cutility_cchol_data | Data structure for utility_cchol() |
Cutility_ceig_data | Data structure for utility_ceig() |
Cutility_ceigmp_data | Data structure for utility_ceigmp() |
Cutility_cglslv_data | Data structure for utility_cglslv() |
Cutility_cinv_data | Data structure for utility_cinv() |
Cutility_cpinv_data | Data structure for utility_cpinv() |
Cutility_cseig_data | Data structure for utility_cseig() |
Cutility_cslslv_data | Data structure for utility_cslslv() |
Cutility_csvd_data | Data structure for utility_csvd() |
Cutility_ddet_data | Data structure for utility_ddet() |
Cutility_dglslv_data | Data structure for utility_dglslv() |
Cutility_dinv_data | Data structure for utility_dinv() |
Cutility_dpinv_data | Data structure for utility_dpinv() |
Cutility_schol_data | Data structure for utility_schol() |
Cutility_sdet_data | Data structure for utility_sdet() |
Cutility_sglslv_data | Data structure for utility_sglslv() |
Cutility_sglslvt_data | Data structure for utility_sglslvt() |
Cutility_sinv_data | Data structure for utility_sinv() |
Cutility_spinv_data | Data structure for utility_spinv() |
Cutility_sseig_data | Data structure for utility_sseig() |
Cutility_sslslv_data | Data structure for utility_sslslv() |
Cutility_ssvd_data | Data structure for utility_ssvd() |
Cutility_zeig_data | Data structure for utility_zeig() |
Cutility_zeigmp_data | Data structure for utility_zeigmp() |
Cutility_zglslv_data | Data structure for utility_zglslv() |
Cutility_zpinv_data | Data structure for utility_zpinv() |
Cvoronoi_data | Data structure for Voronoi diagrams |