No Matches
ims_scene_data Struct Reference

Main structure for IMS. More...

#include <saf_reverb_internal.h>

Data Fields

float room_dims [3]
 Room dimensions, in meters.
float c_ms
 Speed of sound, in ms^1.
float fs
 Sampling rate.
int nBands
 Number of frequency bands.
float ** abs_wall
 Wall aborption coeffs per wall; nBands x 6.
ims_src_obj srcs [IMS_MAX_NUM_SOURCES]
 Source positions.
ims_rec_obj recs [IMS_MAX_NUM_RECEIVERS]
 Receiver positions.
long nSources
 Current number of sources.
long nReceivers
 Current number of receivers.
voidPtr ** hCoreWrkSpc
 One per source/receiver combination.
float * band_centerfreqs
 Octave band CENTRE frequencies; nBands x 1.
float * band_cutofffreqs
 Octave band CUTOFF frequencies; (nBands-1) x 1.
float ** H_filt
ims_rir ** rirs
 One per source/receiver combination.
 current write indices for circular buffers
float *** circ_buffer [IMS_EG_NUM_SLOTS]
 One per source.
float *** src_sigs_bands
 nSources x nBands x nSamples
float *** rec_sig_tmp [IMS_EG_NUM_SLOTS]
 [IMS_EG_NUM_SLOTS] x (nReceivers x nChannels x nSamples)
float * interpolator_fIn
 framesize x 1
float * interpolator_fOut
 framesize x 1
float * tmp_frame
 framesize x 1
int framesize
 Curent framesize in samples.
float lookup_fractions [IMS_LAGRANGE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE]

Detailed Description

Main structure for IMS.

It comprises variables describing the room, and the source and receiver objects within it. It also includes "core workspace" handles for each source/receiver combination.

Definition at line 200 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

Field Documentation

◆ abs_wall

float** ims_scene_data::abs_wall

Wall aborption coeffs per wall; nBands x 6.

Definition at line 207 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ applyCrossFadeFLAG

int ims_scene_data::applyCrossFadeFLAG[IMS_MAX_NUM_RECEIVERS][IMS_MAX_NUM_SOURCES]

Definition at line 239 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ band_centerfreqs

float* ims_scene_data::band_centerfreqs

Octave band CENTRE frequencies; nBands x 1.

Definition at line 217 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ band_cutofffreqs

float* ims_scene_data::band_cutofffreqs

Octave band CUTOFF frequencies; (nBands-1) x 1.

Definition at line 218 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ c_ms

float ims_scene_data::c_ms

Speed of sound, in ms^1.

Definition at line 204 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ circ_buffer

float*** ims_scene_data::circ_buffer[IMS_EG_NUM_SLOTS]


Definition at line 226 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ framesize

int ims_scene_data::framesize

Curent framesize in samples.

Definition at line 240 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ fs

float ims_scene_data::fs

Sampling rate.

Definition at line 205 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ H_filt

float** ims_scene_data::H_filt


Definition at line 220 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ hCoreWrkSpc

voidPtr** ims_scene_data::hCoreWrkSpc

One per source/receiver combination.

Definition at line 216 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ hFaFbank

voidPtr* ims_scene_data::hFaFbank

One per source.

Definition at line 230 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ interpolator_fIn

float* ims_scene_data::interpolator_fIn

framesize x 1

Definition at line 236 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ interpolator_fOut

float* ims_scene_data::interpolator_fOut

framesize x 1

Definition at line 237 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ lookup_fractions

float ims_scene_data::lookup_fractions[IMS_LAGRANGE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE]

Definition at line 243 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ lookup_H_frac

float ims_scene_data::lookup_H_frac[IMS_LAGRANGE_ORDER+1][IMS_LAGRANGE_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE]

Definition at line 244 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ nBands

int ims_scene_data::nBands

Number of frequency bands.

Definition at line 206 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ nReceivers

long ims_scene_data::nReceivers

Current number of receivers.

Definition at line 213 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ nSources

long ims_scene_data::nSources

Current number of sources.

Definition at line 212 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ rec_sig_tmp

float*** ims_scene_data::rec_sig_tmp[IMS_EG_NUM_SLOTS]

[IMS_EG_NUM_SLOTS] x (nReceivers x nChannels x nSamples)

Definition at line 235 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ recs

ims_rec_obj ims_scene_data::recs[IMS_MAX_NUM_RECEIVERS]

Receiver positions.

Definition at line 211 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ rirs

ims_rir** ims_scene_data::rirs

One per source/receiver combination.

Definition at line 221 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ room_dims

float ims_scene_data::room_dims[3]

Room dimensions, in meters.

Definition at line 203 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ src_sigs_bands

float*** ims_scene_data::src_sigs_bands

nSources x nBands x nSamples

Definition at line 231 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ srcs

ims_src_obj ims_scene_data::srcs[IMS_MAX_NUM_SOURCES]

Source positions.

Definition at line 210 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ tmp_frame

float* ims_scene_data::tmp_frame

framesize x 1

Definition at line 238 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

◆ wIdx

unsigned long ims_scene_data::wIdx[IMS_EG_NUM_SLOTS][IMS_MAX_NUM_RECEIVERS][IMS_MAX_NUM_SOURCES]

current write indices for circular buffers

Definition at line 225 of file saf_reverb_internal.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: