No Matches
binauraliserNF_data Struct Reference

Main structure for binauraliserNF. More...

#include <binauraliser_nf_internal.h>

Data Fields

float ** inputFrameTD
 time-domain input frame; MAX_NUM_INPUTS x BINAURALISER_FRAME_SIZE
float ** outframeTD
 time-domain output frame; NUM_EARS x BINAURALISER_FRAME_SIZE
float_complex *** inputframeTF
 time-frequency domain input frame; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_INPUTS x TIME_SLOTS
float_complex *** outputframeTF
 time-frequency domain input frame; HYBRID_BANDS x NUM_EARS x TIME_SLOTS
int fs
 Host sampling rate, in Hz.
float freqVector [HYBRID_BANDS]
 Frequency vector (filterbank centre frequencies)
void * hSTFT
 afSTFT handle
char * sofa_filepath
 absolute/relevative file path for a sofa file
float * hrirs
 time domain HRIRs; FLAT: N_hrir_dirs x NUM_EARS x hrir_len
float * hrir_dirs_deg
 directions of the HRIRs in degrees [azi elev]; FLAT: N_hrir_dirs x 2
int N_hrir_dirs
 number of HRIR directions in the current sofa file
int hrir_loaded_len
 length of the loaded HRIRs, in samples
int hrir_runtime_len
 length of the HRIRs being used for processing (after any resampling), in samples
int hrir_loaded_fs
 sampling rate of the loaded HRIRs
int hrir_runtime_fs
 sampling rate of the HRIRs being used for processing (after any resampling)
float * weights
 Integration weights for the HRIR measurement grid.
int hrtf_vbapTableRes [2]
 [0] azimuth, and [1] elevation grid resolution, in degrees
int N_hrtf_vbap_gtable
 Number of interpolation weights/directions.
int * hrtf_vbap_gtableIdx
 N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x 3.
float * hrtf_vbap_gtableComp
 N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x 3.
float * itds_s
 interaural-time differences for each HRIR (in seconds); nBands x 1
float_complex * hrtf_fb
 hrtf filterbank coefficients; nBands x nCH x N_hrirs
float * hrtf_fb_mag
 magnitudes of the hrtf filterbank coefficients; nBands x nCH x N_hrirs
float_complex hrtf_interp [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][HYBRID_BANDS][NUM_EARS]
 Interpolated HRTFs.
CODEC_STATUS codecStatus
float progressBar0_1
 Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].
char * progressBarText
 Current (re)initialisation step, string.
PROC_STATUS procStatus
int recalc_hrtf_interpFLAG [MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
 1: re-calculate/interpolate the HRTF, 0: do not
int reInitHRTFsAndGainTables
 1: reinitialise the HRTFs and interpolation tables, 0: do not
int recalc_M_rotFLAG
 1: re-calculate the rotation matrix, 0: do not
float src_dirs_rot_deg [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]
 Intermediate rotated source directions, in degrees.
float src_dirs_rot_xyz [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]
 Intermediate rotated source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.
float src_dirs_xyz [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]
 Intermediate source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.
int nTriangles
 Number of triangles in the convex hull of the spherical arrangement of HRIR directions/points.
int new_nSources
 New number of input/source signals (current value will be replaced by this after next re-init)
int nSources
 Current number of input/source signals.
float src_dirs_deg [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]
 Current source/panning directions, in degrees.
int useDefaultHRIRsFLAG
 1: use default HRIRs in database, 0: use those from SOFA file
int enableHRIRsDiffuseEQ
 flag to diffuse-field equalisation to the currently loaded HRTFs
int enableRotation
 1: enable rotation, 0: disable
float yaw
 yaw (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
float roll
 roll (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
float pitch
 pitch (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
int bFlipYaw
 flag to flip the sign of the yaw rotation angle
int bFlipPitch
 flag to flip the sign of the pitch rotation angle
int bFlipRoll
 flag to flip the sign of the roll rotation angle
int useRollPitchYawFlag
 rotation order flag, 1: r-p-y, 0: y-p-r
float src_gains [MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
 Gains applied per source.
float b_dvf [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][NUM_EARS][2]
 shelf IIR numerator coefficients for each input, left and right.
float a_dvf [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][NUM_EARS][2]
 shelf IIR denominator coefficients for each input, left and right.
 DVF filter frequency band magnitudes.
 DVF filter frequency band phases.
float src_dists_m [MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
 Source distance, meters.
float farfield_thresh_m
 Distance considered to be far field (no near field filtering), meters.
float farfield_headroom
 Scale factor applied to farfield_thresh_m when resetting to the far field, and for UI range, meters.
float nearfield_limit_m
 Minimum distance allowed for near-field filtering, from head center, meters, def.
float head_radius
 Head radius, used calculate normalized source distance meters, def.
float head_radius_recip
 Reciprocal of head radius.
float(* src_dirs_cur )[2]
 Pointer to assign to the current HRTF directions being operated on (non/rotated directions switch).
int recalc_dvfCoeffFLAG [MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
 1: re-calculate the DVF coefficients on change in distance, 0: do not.

Detailed Description

Main structure for binauraliserNF.

Contains all variables from binauraliser (audio buffers, afSTFT, HRTFs, internal variables, flags, user parameters) plus those specific to the near field variant. FREQUENCY DOMAIN implementation.

Definition at line 61 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

Field Documentation

◆ a_dvf

float binauraliserNF_data::a_dvf[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][NUM_EARS][2]

shelf IIR denominator coefficients for each input, left and right.

Definition at line 133 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ b_dvf

float binauraliserNF_data::b_dvf[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][NUM_EARS][2]

shelf IIR numerator coefficients for each input, left and right.

Definition at line 132 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ bFlipPitch

int binauraliserNF_data::bFlipPitch

flag to flip the sign of the pitch rotation angle

Definition at line 125 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ bFlipRoll

int binauraliserNF_data::bFlipRoll

flag to flip the sign of the roll rotation angle

Definition at line 126 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ bFlipYaw

int binauraliserNF_data::bFlipYaw

flag to flip the sign of the yaw rotation angle

Definition at line 124 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ codecStatus

CODEC_STATUS binauraliserNF_data::codecStatus


Definition at line 99 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ dvfmags

float binauraliserNF_data::dvfmags[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][NUM_EARS][HYBRID_BANDS]

DVF filter frequency band magnitudes.

Definition at line 134 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ dvfphases

float binauraliserNF_data::dvfphases[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][NUM_EARS][HYBRID_BANDS]

DVF filter frequency band phases.

Definition at line 135 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ enableHRIRsDiffuseEQ

int binauraliserNF_data::enableHRIRsDiffuseEQ

flag to diffuse-field equalisation to the currently loaded HRTFs

Definition at line 119 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ enableRotation

int binauraliserNF_data::enableRotation

1: enable rotation, 0: disable

Definition at line 120 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ farfield_headroom

float binauraliserNF_data::farfield_headroom

Scale factor applied to farfield_thresh_m when resetting to the far field, and for UI range, meters.

Definition at line 140 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ farfield_thresh_m

float binauraliserNF_data::farfield_thresh_m

Distance considered to be far field (no near field filtering), meters.

Definition at line 139 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ freqVector

float binauraliserNF_data::freqVector[HYBRID_BANDS]

Frequency vector (filterbank centre frequencies)

Definition at line 72 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ fs

int binauraliserNF_data::fs

Host sampling rate, in Hz.

Definition at line 71 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ head_radius

float binauraliserNF_data::head_radius

Head radius, used calculate normalized source distance meters, def.


Definition at line 142 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ head_radius_recip

float binauraliserNF_data::head_radius_recip

Reciprocal of head radius.

Definition at line 143 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrir_dirs_deg

float* binauraliserNF_data::hrir_dirs_deg

directions of the HRIRs in degrees [azi elev]; FLAT: N_hrir_dirs x 2

Definition at line 78 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrir_loaded_fs

int binauraliserNF_data::hrir_loaded_fs

sampling rate of the loaded HRIRs

Definition at line 82 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrir_loaded_len

int binauraliserNF_data::hrir_loaded_len

length of the loaded HRIRs, in samples

Definition at line 80 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrir_runtime_fs

int binauraliserNF_data::hrir_runtime_fs

sampling rate of the HRIRs being used for processing (after any resampling)

Definition at line 83 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrir_runtime_len

int binauraliserNF_data::hrir_runtime_len

length of the HRIRs being used for processing (after any resampling), in samples

Definition at line 81 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrirs

float* binauraliserNF_data::hrirs

time domain HRIRs; FLAT: N_hrir_dirs x NUM_EARS x hrir_len

Definition at line 77 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrtf_fb

float_complex* binauraliserNF_data::hrtf_fb

hrtf filterbank coefficients; nBands x nCH x N_hrirs

Definition at line 94 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrtf_fb_mag

float* binauraliserNF_data::hrtf_fb_mag

magnitudes of the hrtf filterbank coefficients; nBands x nCH x N_hrirs

Definition at line 95 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrtf_interp

float_complex binauraliserNF_data::hrtf_interp[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][HYBRID_BANDS][NUM_EARS]

Interpolated HRTFs.

Definition at line 96 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrtf_vbap_gtableComp

float* binauraliserNF_data::hrtf_vbap_gtableComp

N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x 3.

Definition at line 90 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrtf_vbap_gtableIdx

int* binauraliserNF_data::hrtf_vbap_gtableIdx

N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x 3.

Definition at line 89 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ hrtf_vbapTableRes

int binauraliserNF_data::hrtf_vbapTableRes[2]

[0] azimuth, and [1] elevation grid resolution, in degrees

Definition at line 87 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.


void* binauraliserNF_data::hSTFT

afSTFT handle

Definition at line 73 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ inputFrameTD

float** binauraliserNF_data::inputFrameTD


Definition at line 67 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ inputframeTF

float_complex*** binauraliserNF_data::inputframeTF

time-frequency domain input frame; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_INPUTS x TIME_SLOTS

Definition at line 69 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ interpMode

INTERP_MODES binauraliserNF_data::interpMode


Definition at line 117 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ itds_s

float* binauraliserNF_data::itds_s

interaural-time differences for each HRIR (in seconds); nBands x 1

Definition at line 93 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ N_hrir_dirs

int binauraliserNF_data::N_hrir_dirs

number of HRIR directions in the current sofa file

Definition at line 79 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ N_hrtf_vbap_gtable

int binauraliserNF_data::N_hrtf_vbap_gtable

Number of interpolation weights/directions.

Definition at line 88 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ nearfield_limit_m

float binauraliserNF_data::nearfield_limit_m

Minimum distance allowed for near-field filtering, from head center, meters, def.


Definition at line 141 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ new_nSources

int binauraliserNF_data::new_nSources

New number of input/source signals (current value will be replaced by this after next re-init)

Definition at line 112 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ nSources

int binauraliserNF_data::nSources

Current number of input/source signals.

Definition at line 115 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ nTriangles

int binauraliserNF_data::nTriangles

Number of triangles in the convex hull of the spherical arrangement of HRIR directions/points.

Definition at line 111 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ outframeTD

float** binauraliserNF_data::outframeTD

time-domain output frame; NUM_EARS x BINAURALISER_FRAME_SIZE

Definition at line 68 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ outputframeTF

float_complex*** binauraliserNF_data::outputframeTF

time-frequency domain input frame; HYBRID_BANDS x NUM_EARS x TIME_SLOTS

Definition at line 70 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ pitch

float binauraliserNF_data::pitch

pitch (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees

Definition at line 123 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ procStatus

PROC_STATUS binauraliserNF_data::procStatus


Definition at line 102 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ progressBar0_1

float binauraliserNF_data::progressBar0_1

Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].

Definition at line 100 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ progressBarText

char* binauraliserNF_data::progressBarText

Current (re)initialisation step, string.

Definition at line 101 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ recalc_dvfCoeffFLAG

int binauraliserNF_data::recalc_dvfCoeffFLAG[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]

1: re-calculate the DVF coefficients on change in distance, 0: do not.

Definition at line 147 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ recalc_hrtf_interpFLAG

int binauraliserNF_data::recalc_hrtf_interpFLAG[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]

1: re-calculate/interpolate the HRTF, 0: do not

Definition at line 103 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ recalc_M_rotFLAG

int binauraliserNF_data::recalc_M_rotFLAG

1: re-calculate the rotation matrix, 0: do not

Definition at line 105 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ reInitHRTFsAndGainTables

int binauraliserNF_data::reInitHRTFsAndGainTables

1: reinitialise the HRTFs and interpolation tables, 0: do not

Definition at line 104 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ roll

float binauraliserNF_data::roll

roll (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees

Definition at line 122 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ sofa_filepath

char* binauraliserNF_data::sofa_filepath

absolute/relevative file path for a sofa file

Definition at line 76 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_cur

float(* binauraliserNF_data::src_dirs_cur)[2]

Pointer to assign to the current HRTF directions being operated on (non/rotated directions switch).

Definition at line 144 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_deg

float binauraliserNF_data::src_dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]

Current source/panning directions, in degrees.

Definition at line 116 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_rot_deg

float binauraliserNF_data::src_dirs_rot_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]

Intermediate rotated source directions, in degrees.

Definition at line 108 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_rot_xyz

float binauraliserNF_data::src_dirs_rot_xyz[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]

Intermediate rotated source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 109 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_xyz

float binauraliserNF_data::src_dirs_xyz[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]

Intermediate source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 110 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ src_dists_m

float binauraliserNF_data::src_dists_m[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]

Source distance, meters.

Definition at line 138 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ src_gains

float binauraliserNF_data::src_gains[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]

Gains applied per source.

Definition at line 128 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ useDefaultHRIRsFLAG

int binauraliserNF_data::useDefaultHRIRsFLAG

1: use default HRIRs in database, 0: use those from SOFA file

Definition at line 118 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ useRollPitchYawFlag

int binauraliserNF_data::useRollPitchYawFlag

rotation order flag, 1: r-p-y, 0: y-p-r

Definition at line 127 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ weights

float* binauraliserNF_data::weights

Integration weights for the HRIR measurement grid.

Definition at line 84 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

◆ yaw

float binauraliserNF_data::yaw

yaw (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees

Definition at line 121 of file binauraliser_nf_internal.h.

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