No Matches
panner_data Struct Reference

Main structure for panner. More...

#include <panner_internal.h>

Data Fields

float ** inputFrameTD
 Input signals, in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_INPUTS x PANNER_FRAME_SIZE.
float ** outputFrameTD
 Output signals, in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS x PANNER_FRAME_SIZE.
float_complex *** inputframeTF
 Input signals, in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_INPUTS x TIME_SLOTS.
float_complex *** outputframeTF
 Output signals, in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS x TIME_SLOTS.
int fs
 Host sampling rate.
float freqVector [HYBRID_BANDS]
 Frequency vector (centre frequencies)
void * hSTFT
 afSTFT handle
int vbapTableRes [2]
 [0] azimuth, and [1] elevation grid resolution, in degrees
float * vbap_gtable
 Current VBAP gains; FLAT: N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x nLoudpkrs.
int N_vbap_gtable
 Number of directions in the VBAP gain table.
 Current VBAP gains per source.
CODEC_STATUS codecStatus
PROC_STATUS procStatus
float progressBar0_1
 Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].
char * progressBarText
 Current (re)initialisation step, string.
int recalc_gainsFLAG [MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
 1: VBAP gains need to be recalculated for this source, 0: do not
int recalc_M_rotFLAG
 1: recalculate the rotation matrix, 0: do not
int reInitGainTables
 1: reinitialise the VBAP gain table, 0: do not
float src_dirs_rot_deg [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]
 Intermediate rotated source directions, in degrees.
float src_dirs_rot_xyz [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]
 Intermediate rotated source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.
float src_dirs_xyz [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]
 Intermediate source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.
int nTriangles
 Number of loudspeaker triangles.
int output_nDims
 Dimensionality of the loudspeaker array, 2: 2-D, 3: 3-D.
int new_nLoudpkrs
 New number of loudspeakers in the array.
int new_nSources
 New number of inputs/sources.
float pValue [HYBRID_BANDS]
 Used for the frequency-dependent panning normalisation.
int nSources
 Current number of inputs/sources.
float src_dirs_deg [MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]
 Current source directions.
float DTT
 Room coefficient [3].
float spread_deg
 Source spread/MDAP [2].
int nLoudpkrs
 Current number of loudspeakers in the array.
float loudpkrs_dirs_deg [MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS][2]
 Current loudspeaker directions.
float yaw
 yaw (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
float roll
 roll (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
float pitch
 pitch (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
int bFlipYaw
 flag to flip the sign of the yaw rotation angle
int bFlipPitch
 flag to flip the sign of the pitch rotation angle
int bFlipRoll
 flag to flip the sign of the roll rotation angle

Detailed Description

Main structure for panner.

Contains variables for audio buffers, afSTFT, internal variables, flags, user parameters

Definition at line 84 of file panner_internal.h.

Field Documentation

◆ bFlipPitch

int panner_data::bFlipPitch

flag to flip the sign of the pitch rotation angle

Definition at line 135 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ bFlipRoll

int panner_data::bFlipRoll

flag to flip the sign of the roll rotation angle

Definition at line 136 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ bFlipYaw

int panner_data::bFlipYaw

flag to flip the sign of the yaw rotation angle

Definition at line 134 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ codecStatus

CODEC_STATUS panner_data::codecStatus


Definition at line 104 of file panner_internal.h.


float panner_data::DTT

Room coefficient [3].

Definition at line 127 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ freqVector

float panner_data::freqVector[HYBRID_BANDS]

Frequency vector (centre frequencies)

Definition at line 94 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ fs

int panner_data::fs

Host sampling rate.

Definition at line 91 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ G_src

float_complex panner_data::G_src[HYBRID_BANDS][MAX_NUM_INPUTS][MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS]

Current VBAP gains per source.

Definition at line 101 of file panner_internal.h.


void* panner_data::hSTFT

afSTFT handle

Definition at line 95 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ inputFrameTD

float** panner_data::inputFrameTD

Input signals, in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_INPUTS x PANNER_FRAME_SIZE.

Definition at line 87 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ inputframeTF

float_complex*** panner_data::inputframeTF

Input signals, in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_INPUTS x TIME_SLOTS.

Definition at line 89 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ loudpkrs_dirs_deg

float panner_data::loudpkrs_dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS][2]

Current loudspeaker directions.

Definition at line 130 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ N_vbap_gtable

int panner_data::N_vbap_gtable

Number of directions in the VBAP gain table.

Definition at line 100 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ new_nLoudpkrs

int panner_data::new_nLoudpkrs

New number of loudspeakers in the array.

Definition at line 118 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ new_nSources

int panner_data::new_nSources

New number of inputs/sources.

Definition at line 119 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ nLoudpkrs

int panner_data::nLoudpkrs

Current number of loudspeakers in the array.

Definition at line 129 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ nSources

int panner_data::nSources

Current number of inputs/sources.

Definition at line 125 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ nTriangles

int panner_data::nTriangles

Number of loudspeaker triangles.

Definition at line 116 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ output_nDims

int panner_data::output_nDims

Dimensionality of the loudspeaker array, 2: 2-D, 3: 3-D.

Definition at line 117 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ outputFrameTD

float** panner_data::outputFrameTD

Output signals, in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS x PANNER_FRAME_SIZE.

Definition at line 88 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ outputframeTF

float_complex*** panner_data::outputframeTF

Output signals, in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS x TIME_SLOTS.

Definition at line 90 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ pitch

float panner_data::pitch

pitch (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees

Definition at line 133 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ procStatus

PROC_STATUS panner_data::procStatus


Definition at line 105 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ progressBar0_1

float panner_data::progressBar0_1

Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].

Definition at line 106 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ progressBarText

char* panner_data::progressBarText

Current (re)initialisation step, string.

Definition at line 107 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ pValue

float panner_data::pValue[HYBRID_BANDS]

Used for the frequency-dependent panning normalisation.

Definition at line 122 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ recalc_gainsFLAG

int panner_data::recalc_gainsFLAG[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]

1: VBAP gains need to be recalculated for this source, 0: do not

Definition at line 108 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ recalc_M_rotFLAG

int panner_data::recalc_M_rotFLAG

1: recalculate the rotation matrix, 0: do not

Definition at line 109 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ reInitGainTables

int panner_data::reInitGainTables

1: reinitialise the VBAP gain table, 0: do not

Definition at line 110 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ roll

float panner_data::roll

roll (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees

Definition at line 132 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ spread_deg

float panner_data::spread_deg

Source spread/MDAP [2].

Definition at line 128 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_deg

float panner_data::src_dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]

Current source directions.

Definition at line 126 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_rot_deg

float panner_data::src_dirs_rot_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]

Intermediate rotated source directions, in degrees.

Definition at line 113 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_rot_xyz

float panner_data::src_dirs_rot_xyz[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]

Intermediate rotated source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 114 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ src_dirs_xyz

float panner_data::src_dirs_xyz[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]

Intermediate source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.

Definition at line 115 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ vbap_gtable

float* panner_data::vbap_gtable

Current VBAP gains; FLAT: N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x nLoudpkrs.

Definition at line 99 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ vbapTableRes

int panner_data::vbapTableRes[2]

[0] azimuth, and [1] elevation grid resolution, in degrees

Definition at line 98 of file panner_internal.h.

◆ yaw

float panner_data::yaw

yaw (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees

Definition at line 131 of file panner_internal.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: