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afSTFT_data Struct Reference

Data structure for the afSTFT filterbank. More...

Data Fields

int hopsize
 Hop size in samples.
int hybridmode
 1: hybrid filtering enabled; 0: disabled
int nCHin
 Number of input channels.
int nCHout
 Number of output channels.
int nBands
 Number of frequency bands.
void * hInt
 Internal handle for afSTFT.
 Internal input complex buffer.
 Internal output complex buffer.
int afSTFTdelay
 Processing delay in samples.
float ** tempHopFrameTD
 temporary multi-channel time-domain buffer of size "HOP_SIZE".

Detailed Description

Data structure for the afSTFT filterbank.

Definition at line 122 of file afSTFTlib.c.

Field Documentation

◆ afSTFTdelay

int afSTFT_data::afSTFTdelay

Processing delay in samples.

Definition at line 132 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ format



Definition at line 128 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ hInt

void* afSTFT_data::hInt

Internal handle for afSTFT.

Definition at line 129 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ hopsize

int afSTFT_data::hopsize

Hop size in samples.

Definition at line 123 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ hybridmode

int afSTFT_data::hybridmode

1: hybrid filtering enabled; 0: disabled

Definition at line 124 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ nBands

int afSTFT_data::nBands

Number of frequency bands.

Definition at line 127 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ nCHin

int afSTFT_data::nCHin

Number of input channels.

Definition at line 125 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ nCHout

int afSTFT_data::nCHout

Number of output channels.

Definition at line 126 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ STFTInputFrameTF

complexVector* afSTFT_data::STFTInputFrameTF

Internal input complex buffer.

Definition at line 130 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ STFTOutputFrameTF

complexVector* afSTFT_data::STFTOutputFrameTF

Internal output complex buffer.

Definition at line 131 of file afSTFTlib.c.

◆ tempHopFrameTD

float** afSTFT_data::tempHopFrameTD

temporary multi-channel time-domain buffer of size "HOP_SIZE".

Definition at line 133 of file afSTFTlib.c.

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