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voronoi_data Struct Reference

Data structure for Voronoi diagrams. More...

#include <saf_utility_geometry.h>

Data Fields

int nVert
 Number of vertices.
int nFaces
 Number of faces/polygons.
float ** vert
 Vertices; nVert x 3.
int ** faces
 faces; nFaces x nPointsPerFace[i]
int * nPointsPerFace
 Number of points for each face; nFaces x 1.

Detailed Description

Data structure for Voronoi diagrams.

'faces' is NOT contiguously allocated! [i.e., you cannot do free(faces), you must loop over the i=0:nFaces-1: free(faces[i]) ]

Definition at line 62 of file saf_utility_geometry.h.

Field Documentation

◆ faces

int** voronoi_data::faces

faces; nFaces x nPointsPerFace[i]

Definition at line 66 of file saf_utility_geometry.h.

◆ nFaces

int voronoi_data::nFaces

Number of faces/polygons.

Definition at line 64 of file saf_utility_geometry.h.

◆ nPointsPerFace

int* voronoi_data::nPointsPerFace

Number of points for each face; nFaces x 1.

Definition at line 67 of file saf_utility_geometry.h.

◆ nVert

int voronoi_data::nVert

Number of vertices.

Definition at line 63 of file saf_utility_geometry.h.

◆ vert

float** voronoi_data::vert

Vertices; nVert x 3.

Definition at line 65 of file saf_utility_geometry.h.

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