Here is a list of all documented functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the documentation:
- g -
- gamma_cdf() : saf_tracker_internal.c, saf_tracker_internal.h
- gaunt_mtx() : saf_sh_internal.c, saf_sh_internal.h
- gauss_pdf3() : saf_tracker_internal.c, saf_tracker_internal.h
- generateCroPaCLCMVmap() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- generateMinNormMap() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- generateMUSICmap() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- generateMVDRmap() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- generatePWDmap() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- generateVBAPgainTable2D() : saf_vbap.c, saf_vbap.h
- generateVBAPgainTable2D_srcs() : saf_vbap.c, saf_vbap.h
- generateVBAPgainTable3D() : saf_vbap.c, saf_vbap.h
- generateVBAPgainTable3D_srcs() : saf_vbap.c, saf_vbap.h
- getAllRAD() : saf_hoa_internal.c, saf_hoa_internal.h
- getBinauralAmbiDecoderFilters() : saf_hoa.c, saf_hoa.h
- getBinauralAmbiDecoderMtx() : saf_hoa.c, saf_hoa.h
- getBinDecoder_LS() : saf_hoa_internal.c, saf_hoa_internal.h
- getBinDecoder_LSDIFFEQ() : saf_hoa_internal.c, saf_hoa_internal.h
- getBinDecoder_MAGLS() : saf_hoa_internal.c, saf_hoa_internal.h
- getBinDecoder_SPR() : saf_hoa_internal.c, saf_hoa_internal.h
- getBinDecoder_TA() : saf_hoa_internal.c, saf_hoa_internal.h
- getDecorrelationDelays() : saf_utility_decor.c, saf_utility_decor.h
- getDistBetween2Points() : saf_utility_geometry.c, saf_utility_geometry.h
- getDistBetweenPointAndLine() : saf_utility_geometry.c, saf_utility_geometry.h
- getEPAD() : saf_hoa_internal.c, saf_hoa_internal.h
- getLoudspeakerDecoderMtx() : saf_hoa.c, saf_hoa.h
- getMaxREweights() : saf_hoa.c, saf_hoa.h
- getOctaveBandCutoffFreqs() : saf_utility_filters.c, saf_utility_filters.h
- getP() : saf_sh_internal.c, saf_sh_internal.h
- getPvalues() : saf_vbap.c, saf_vbap.h
- getRSH() : saf_hoa.c, saf_hoa.h
- getRSH_recur() : saf_hoa.c, saf_hoa.h
- getRx() : saf_utility_geometry.c
- getRy() : saf_utility_geometry.c
- getRz() : saf_utility_geometry.c
- getSHcomplex() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- getSHreal() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- getSHreal_recur() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- getSHrotMtxReal() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- getSpreadSrcDirs3D() : saf_vbap.c, saf_vbap.h
- getU() : saf_sh_internal.c, saf_sh_internal.h
- getUniformFreqVector() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- getV() : saf_sh_internal.c, saf_sh_internal.h
- getVnimu() : saf_sh_internal.c, saf_sh_internal.h
- getVoronoiWeights() : saf_utility_geometry.c, saf_utility_geometry.h
- getW() : saf_sh_internal.c, saf_sh_internal.h
- getWindowingFunction() : saf_utility_filters.c, saf_utility_filters.h
- getWnimu() : saf_sh_internal.c, saf_sh_internal.h
- gexpm() : saf_utility_misc.c, saf_utility_misc.h
- GRID_GEOSPHERE_10 : dirass.h
- GRID_GEOSPHERE_12 : dirass.h
- GRID_GEOSPHERE_6 : dirass.h
- GRID_GEOSPHERE_8 : dirass.h
- GRID_GEOSPHERE_9 : dirass.h