No Matches


file  saf_vbap.c
 Public source for the VBAP/MDAP module (SAF_VBAP_MODULE)
file  saf_vbap.h
 Main header for the VBAP/MDAP module (SAF_VBAP_MODULE)
file  saf_vbap_internal.c
 Internal source for the VBAP/MDAP module (SAF_VBAP_MODULE)
file  saf_vbap_internal.h
 Internal header for the VBAP/MDAP module (SAF_VBAP_MODULE)


void generateVBAPgainTable3D_srcs (float *src_dirs_deg, int S, float *ls_dirs_deg, int L, int omitLargeTriangles, int enableDummies, float spread, float **gtable, int *N_gtable, int *nTriangles)
 Generates a 3-D VBAP [1] gain table based on specified source and loudspeaker directions, with optional spreading [2].
void generateVBAPgainTable3D (float *ls_dirs_deg, int L, int az_res_deg, int el_res_deg, int omitLargeTriangles, int enableDummies, float spread, float **gtable, int *N_gtable, int *nTriangles)
 Generates a 3-D VBAP gain table based on specified loudspeaker directions, with optional spreading [2].
void compressVBAPgainTable3D (float *vbap_gtable, int nTable, int nDirs, float *vbap_gtableComp, int *vbap_gtableIdx)
 Compresses a VBAP gain table to use less memory and CPU (by removing the elements which are just zero)
void VBAPgainTable2InterpTable (float *vbap_gtable, int nTable, int nDirs)
 Renormalises a VBAP gain table (in-place) so it may be utilised for interpolation of data (for example, powermaps or HRTFs)
void generateVBAPgainTable2D_srcs (float *src_dirs_deg, int S, float *ls_dirs_deg, int L, float **gtable, int *N_gtable, int *nPairs)
 Generates a 2-D VBAP gain table based on specified source and loudspeaker directions.
void generateVBAPgainTable2D (float *ls_dirs_deg, int L, int az_res_deg, float **gtable, int *N_gtable, int *nPairs)
 Generates a 2-D VBAP gain table based on specified loudspeaker directions.
void getPvalues (float DTT, float *freq, int nFreq, float *pValues)
 Calculates the frequency dependent pValues, which can be applied to ENERGY normalised VBAP gains, to compensate for the room effect on the perceived loudness fluctuations of sources when panning between loudspeakers.
void findLsTriplets (float *ls_dirs_deg, int L, int omitLargeTriangles, float **out_vertices, int *numOutVertices, int **out_faces, int *numOutFaces)
 Computes the 3D convex-hull of a spherical grid of loudspeaker directions.
void invertLsMtx3D (float *U_spkr, int *ls_groups, int N_group, float **layoutInvMtx)
 Inverts a 3x3 loudspeaker matrix.
void getSpreadSrcDirs3D (float src_azi_rad, float src_elev_rad, float spread, int num_src, int num_rings_3d, float *U_spread)
 Computes a set of points which surround the source direction given a specific degree of spread.
void vbap3D (float *src_dirs, int src_num, int ls_num, int *ls_groups, int nFaces, float spread, float *layoutInvMtx, float **GainMtx)
 Calculates 3D VBAP gains given pre-computed loudspeaker triangles for each source direction.
void findLsPairs (float *ls_dirs_deg, int L, int **out_pairs, int *numOutPairs)
 Calculates loudspeaker pairs for a circular grid of loudspeaker directions.
void invertLsMtx2D (float *U_spkr, int *ls_pairs, int N_pairs, float **layoutInvMtx)
 Inverts a 2x2 loudspeaker matrix.
void vbap2D (float *src_dirs, int src_num, int ls_num, int *ls_pairs, int N_pairs, float *layoutInvMtx, float **GainMtx)
 Calculates 2D VBAP gains for pre-calculated loudspeaker pairs and predefined source positions.

Detailed Description

Vector-base Amplitude Panning (VBAP) module

Function Documentation

◆ compressVBAPgainTable3D()

void compressVBAPgainTable3D ( float * vbap_gtable,
int nTable,
int nDirs,
float * vbap_gtableComp,
int * vbap_gtableIdx )

Compresses a VBAP gain table to use less memory and CPU (by removing the elements which are just zero)

Handy for large grid sizes for interpolation purposes. Therefore, the gains are also re-normalised to have the AMPLITUDE-preserving property. If vbap_gtable is generated by generateVBAPgainTable3D(), then the compressed tables should be accessed as:

N_azi = (int)(360.0f / aziRes + 0.5f) + 1;
aziIndex = (int)(matlab_fmodf(AZI + 180.0f, 360.0f)/az_res_deg + 0.5f);
elevIndex = (int)((ELEV + 90.0f) / el_res_deg + 0.5f);
idx3d = elevIndex * N_azi + aziIndex;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
gains[i] = vbap_gtableComp[idx3d*3+i];
idx[i] = vbap_gtableIdx[idx3d*3+i];
float matlab_fmodf(float x, float y)
C fmodf function, except it behaves like 'mod' in Matlab (i.e.

where 'gains' are then the gains for loudspeakers('idx') to pan the source to [AZI ELEV], using the nearest grid point

The VBAP gains are AMPLITUDE normalised; i.e. sum(gains) = 1
[in]vbap_gtableThe 3D VBAP gain table; FLAT: nTable x nDirs
[in]nTablenumber of points in the gain table
[in]nDirsnumber of loudspeakers
[out]vbap_gtableCompThe compressed 3D VBAP gain table amplitude- normalised; FLAT: nTable x 3
[out]vbap_gtableIdxThe indices for the compressed 3D VBAP gain table; FLAT: nTable x 3

Definition at line 312 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ findLsPairs()

void findLsPairs ( float * ls_dirs_deg,
int L,
int ** out_pairs,
int * numOutPairs )

Calculates loudspeaker pairs for a circular grid of loudspeaker directions.

[in]ls_dirs_degLoudspeaker directions in degrees; FLAT: L x 1
[in]LNumber of loudspeakers
[out]out_pairs(&) loudspeaker pair indices; FLAT: numOutPairs x 2
[out]numOutPairs(&) number of loudspeaker pairs

Definition at line 898 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ findLsTriplets()

void findLsTriplets ( float * ls_dirs_deg,
int L,
int omitLargeTriangles,
float ** out_vertices,
int * numOutVertices,
int ** out_faces,
int * numOutFaces )

Computes the 3D convex-hull of a spherical grid of loudspeaker directions.

Compared with sphDelaunay(), this function also omits triangles where the normals and the centroid to the triangles have an angle larger than pi/2. Trianges which have an aperture larger than APERTURE_LIMIT_DEG are also ommited.
[in]ls_dirs_degLoudspeaker directions in degrees; FLAT: L x 2
[in]LNumber of loudspeakers
[in]omitLargeTriangles'0' normal triangulation, '1' remove large triangles
[out]out_vertices(&) loudspeaker directions in cartesian coordinates; FLAT: L x 3
[out]numOutVertices(&) number of loudspeakers
[out]out_faces(&) loudspeaker triangle indices; FLAT: numOutFaces x 3
[out]numOutFaces(&) number of true loudspeaker triangles

Definition at line 499 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ generateVBAPgainTable2D()

void generateVBAPgainTable2D ( float * ls_dirs_deg,
int L,
int az_res_deg,
float ** gtable,
int * N_gtable,
int * nPairs )

Generates a 2-D VBAP gain table based on specified loudspeaker directions.

This function generates the VBAP gains for a grid: -180:az_res_deg:180 azimuths, which should be accessed as:

aziIndex = (int)(matlab_fmodf(AZI + 180.0f, 360.0f)/az_res_deg + 0.5f);
idx2d = aziIndex;
for (ls = 0; ls < L; ls++){
gains2D[ls] = gtable[idx2d*L+ls];}

'gains2D' are then the loudspeaker gains to pan the source to [AZI 0], using the nearest grid point.

The VBAP gains are ENERGY normalised; i.e. sum(gains^2) = 1
[in]ls_dirs_degLoudspeaker directions in degrees (elev assumed to be 0 for all); FLAT: L x 2
[in]LNumber of loudspeakers
[in]az_res_degAzimuthal resolution in degrees
[out]gtable(&) The 2D VBAP gain table energy normalised; FLAT: S x L
[out]N_gtable(&) number of points in the gain table, N_gtable=S
[out]nPairs(&) number of loudspeaker pairs

Definition at line 428 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ generateVBAPgainTable2D_srcs()

void generateVBAPgainTable2D_srcs ( float * src_dirs_deg,
int S,
float * ls_dirs_deg,
int L,
float ** gtable,
int * N_gtable,
int * nPairs )

Generates a 2-D VBAP gain table based on specified source and loudspeaker directions.

source and loudspeaker directions are required to be inter-leaved with zeros, i.e. [src_az1, 0; src_az2, 0; src_az3, 0;]. The VBAP gains are also ENERGY normalised; i.e. sum(gains^2) = 1
[in]src_dirs_degSource directions in degrees (elev assumed to be 0 for all); FLAT: S x 2
[in]SNumber of Sources
[in]ls_dirs_degLoudspeaker directions in degrees (elev assumed to be 0 for all); FLAT: L x 2
[in]LNumber of loudspeakers
[out]gtable(&) The 2D VBAP gain table energy normalised; FLAT: S x L
[out]N_gtable(&) number of points in the gain table, N_gtable=S
[out]nPairs(&) number of loudspeaker pairs

Definition at line 390 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ generateVBAPgainTable3D()

void generateVBAPgainTable3D ( float * ls_dirs_deg,
int L,
int az_res_deg,
int el_res_deg,
int omitLargeTriangles,
int enableDummies,
float spread,
float ** gtable,
int * N_gtable,
int * nTriangles )

Generates a 3-D VBAP gain table based on specified loudspeaker directions, with optional spreading [2].

This function generates the VBAP gains for a grid: -180:az_res_deg:180 azimuths and -90:el_res_deg:90 elevations, which should be accessed as:

N_azi = (int)(360.0f / aziRes + 0.5f) + 1;
aziIndex = (int)(matlab_fmodf(AZI + 180.0f, 360.0f)/az_res_deg + 0.5f);
elevIndex = (int)((ELEV + 90.0f) / el_res_deg + 0.5f);
idx3d = elevIndex * N_azi + aziIndex;
for (ls = 0; ls < L; ls++)
gains3D[ls] = gtable[idx3d*L+ls];}

where 'gains3D' are the loudspeaker gains to pan the source to [AZI ELEV], using the nearest grid point

'gtable' is returned as NULL if the triangulation fails. The VBAP gains are also ENERGY normalised; i.e. sum(gains^2) = 1
[in]ls_dirs_degLoudspeaker directions in degrees; FLAT: L x 2
[in]LNumber of loudspeakers
[in]az_res_degAzimuthal resolution in degrees
[in]el_res_degElevation resolution in degrees
[in]omitLargeTriangles'0' normal triangulation, '1' remove large triangles
[in]enableDummies'0' disabled, '1' enabled. Dummies are placed at +/-90 elevation if required
[in]spreadSpreading factor in degrees, 0: VBAP, >0: MDAP
[out]gtable(&) The 3D VBAP gain table ENERGY normalised; FLAT: N_gtable x L
[out]N_gtable(&) number of points in the gain table
[out]nTriangles(&) number of loudspeaker triangles
See also
[1] Pulkki, V. (1997). Virtual sound source positioning using vector base amplitude panning. Journal of the audio engineering society, 45(6), 456-466.
[2] Pulkki, V. (1999). Uniform spreading of amplitude panned virtual sources. In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics. WASPAA'99 (Cat. No. 99TH8452) (pp. 187-190). IEEE.

Definition at line 171 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ generateVBAPgainTable3D_srcs()

void generateVBAPgainTable3D_srcs ( float * src_dirs_deg,
int S,
float * ls_dirs_deg,
int L,
int omitLargeTriangles,
int enableDummies,
float spread,
float ** gtable,
int * N_gtable,
int * nTriangles )

Generates a 3-D VBAP [1] gain table based on specified source and loudspeaker directions, with optional spreading [2].

gtable is returned as NULL if the triangulation fails. The VBAP gains are also ENERGY normalised; i.e. sum(gains^2) = 1
[in]src_dirs_degSource directions in degrees; FLAT: S x 2
[in]SNumber of Sources
[in]ls_dirs_degLoudspeaker directions in degrees; FLAT: L x 2
[in]LNumber of loudspeakers
[in]omitLargeTriangles'0' normal triangulation, '1' remove large triangles
[in]enableDummies'0' disabled, '1' enabled, and dummies are placed at +/-90 elevation if required
[in]spreadSpreading factor in degrees, 0: VBAP, >0: MDAP
[out]gtable(&) The 3D VBAP gain table energy normalised; FLAT: N_gtable x L
[out]N_gtable(&) number of points in the gain table
[out]nTriangles(&) number of loudspeaker triangles
See also
[1] Pulkki, V. (1997). Virtual sound source positioning using vector base amplitude panning. Journal of the audio engineering society, 45(6), 456-466.
[2] Pulkki, V. (1999). Uniform spreading of amplitude panned virtual sources. In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics. WASPAA'99 (Cat. No. 99TH8452) (pp. 187-190). IEEE.

Definition at line 52 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ getPvalues()

void getPvalues ( float DTT,
float * freq,
int nFreq,
float * pValues )

Calculates the frequency dependent pValues, which can be applied to ENERGY normalised VBAP gains, to compensate for the room effect on the perceived loudness fluctuations of sources when panning between loudspeakers.

This should be applied as:

if(pValues[band] != 2.0f){
gains3D_sum_pvf = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < nLoudspeakers; i++){
gains3D_sum_pvf += powf(MAX(gains[i], 0.0f), pValues[band]);}
gains3D_sum_pvf = powf(gains3D_sum_pvf, 1.0f/(pValues[band]+2.23e-13f));
for (i = 0; i < nLoudspeakers; i++){
gains_p[i] = gains[i] / (gains3D_sum_pvf+2.23e-13f);}

Where "gains" are the original energy normalised VBAP gains and "gains_p" have amplitude normalisation for the low frequencies, and energy normalisation at the high frequencies [1].

[in]DTT0..1 '0': for normal room, '1' for anechoic room, '0.5' for listening room
[in]freqFrequency vector in Hz; nFreq x 1
[in]nFreqNumber of frequencies in the frequency vector
[out]pValuespValues for each frequency; nFreq x 1
See also
[1] Laitinen, M., Vilkamo, J., Jussila, K., Politis, A., Pulkki, V. (2014). Gain normalisation in amplitude panning as a function of frequency and room reverberance. 55th International Conference of the AES. Helsinki, Finland.

Definition at line 475 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ getSpreadSrcDirs3D()

void getSpreadSrcDirs3D ( float src_azi_rad,
float src_elev_rad,
float spread,
int num_src,
int num_rings_3d,
float * U_spread )

Computes a set of points which surround the source direction given a specific degree of spread.

[in]src_azi_radSource azimuth, in radians
[in]src_elev_radSource elevation, in radians
[in]spreadSpread in DEGREES
[in]num_srcNumber of auxiliary sources to use for spreading
[in]num_rings_3dNumber of concentric rings of num_src each to generate inside the spreading surface
[out]U_spreadSpread directions Cartesian coordinates; FLAT: (num_src*num_rings_3d+1) x 3

Definition at line 707 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ invertLsMtx2D()

void invertLsMtx2D ( float * U_spkr,
int * ls_pairs,
int N_pairs,
float ** layoutInvMtx )

Inverts a 2x2 loudspeaker matrix.

[in]U_spkrLoudspeaker directions in cartesian (xy) coordinates; FLAT: L x 2
[in]ls_pairsLoudspeaker pair indices; FLAT: N_pairs x 3
[in]N_pairsNumber of loudspeaker pairs
[out]layoutInvMtx(&) inverted 2x2 loudspeaker matrix flattened; FLAT: N_group x 4

Definition at line 930 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ invertLsMtx3D()

void invertLsMtx3D ( float * U_spkr,
int * ls_groups,
int N_group,
float ** layoutInvMtx )

Inverts a 3x3 loudspeaker matrix.

[in]U_spkrLoudspeaker directions as cartesian coordinates (unit length); FLAT: L x 3
[in]ls_groupsTrue loudspeaker triangle indices; FLAT: N_group x 3
[in]N_groupNumber of true loudspeaker triangles
[out]layoutInvMtx(&) inverted 3x3 loudspeaker matrices per group; FLAT: N_group x 9

Definition at line 676 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ vbap2D()

void vbap2D ( float * src_dirs,
int src_num,
int ls_num,
int * ls_pairs,
int N_pairs,
float * layoutInvMtx,
float ** GainMtx )

Calculates 2D VBAP gains for pre-calculated loudspeaker pairs and predefined source positions.

[in]src_dirsSource directions in degrees; FLAT: src_num x 1
[in]src_numNumber of sources
[in]ls_numNumber of loudspeakers
[in]ls_pairsLoudspeaker pair indices; FLAT: N_pairs x 2
[in]N_pairsNumber of loudspeaker pairs
[in]layoutInvMtxInverted 2x2 loudspeaker matrix flattened; FLAT: N_pairs x 4
[out]GainMtx(&) Loudspeaker VBAP gain table; FLAT: src_num x ls_num

Definition at line 962 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ vbap3D()

void vbap3D ( float * src_dirs,
int src_num,
int ls_num,
int * ls_groups,
int nFaces,
float spread,
float * layoutInvMtx,
float ** GainMtx )

Calculates 3D VBAP gains given pre-computed loudspeaker triangles for each source direction.

[in]src_dirsSource directions in degrees; FLAT: src_num x 2
[in]src_numNumber of sources
[in]ls_numNumber of loudspeakers
[in]ls_groupsLoudspeaker triangle indices, see findLsTriplets(); FLAT: nFaces x 3
[in]nFacesNumber of true loudspeaker triangles
[in]spreadSpreading in degrees, 0: VBAP, >0: MDAP
[in]layoutInvMtxInverted 3x3 loudspeaker matrix flattened, see invertLsMtx3D(); FLAT: nFaces x 9
[out]GainMtx(&) Loudspeaker VBAP gain table; FLAT: src_num x ls_num

Definition at line 786 of file saf_vbap.c.

◆ VBAPgainTable2InterpTable()

void VBAPgainTable2InterpTable ( float * vbap_gtable,
int nTable,
int nDirs )

Renormalises a VBAP gain table (in-place) so it may be utilised for interpolation of data (for example, powermaps or HRTFs)

The VBAP gains are AMPLITUDE normalised; i.e. sum(gains) = 1.
[in,out]vbap_gtableThe 3D VBAP gain table; FLAT: nTable x nDirs
[in]nTableNumber of points in the gain table
[in]nDirsNumber of loudspeaker directions

Definition at line 369 of file saf_vbap.c.