54 *phAmbi = (
93 pars->
M_dec[i][j] = NULL;
136 if(pData->
157 free(pars->
179 pData->
fs = sampleRate;
190 int i, ch, d, j, n, ng, nGrid_dirs, masterOrder, nSH_order, max_nSH, nLoudspeakers;
191 float* grid_dirs_deg, *Y, *M_dec_tmp, *g, *a, *e, *a_n, *hrtf_vbap_gtable;;
213 max_nSH = (masterOrder+1)*(masterOrder+1);
215 if(pData->
236 for(ch=0; ch < nLoudspeakers; ch++)
238 if( (((sum_elev < 5.0f) && (sum_elev > -5.0f))) || (nLoudspeakers < 4) )
255 g =
256 a =
257 e =
261 M_dec_tmp =
malloc1d(nLoudspeakers * max_nSH *
278 for( n=1; n<=masterOrder; n++){
280 nSH_order = (n+1)*(n+1);
281 free(pars->
282 pars->
M_dec[d][n-1] =
malloc1d(nLoudspeakers* nSH_order *
285 for(i=0; i<nLoudspeakers; i++){
286 for(j=0; j<nSH_order; j++){
287 pars->
M_dec[d][n-1][i*nSH_order+j] = M_dec_tmp[i*max_nSH +j];
288 pars->
M_dec_cmplx[d][n-1][i*nSH_order+j] = cmplxf(pars->
M_dec[d][n-1][i*nSH_order+j], 0.0f);
293 a_n =
299 cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, nLoudspeakers, nSH_order, nSH_order, 1.0f,
300 pars->
M_dec[d][n-1], nSH_order,
301 a_n, nSH_order, 0.0f,
303 for(i=0; i<nLoudspeakers * nSH_order; i++)
307 Y =
309 for(ng=0; ng<nGrid_dirs; ng++){
310 azi_incl[0] = grid_dirs_deg[ng*2]*
311 azi_incl[1] =
313 cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, nLoudspeakers, 1, nSH_order, 1.0f,
314 pars->
M_dec[d][n-1], nSH_order,
317 a[ng] = e[ng] = 0.0f;
318 for(i=0; i<nLoudspeakers; i++){
320 e[ng] += powf(g[i], 2.0f);
325 a_avg[n-1] = e_avg[n-1] = 0.0f;
326 for(ng=0; ng<nGrid_dirs; ng++){
330 a_avg[n-1] /= (float)nGrid_dirs;
331 e_avg[n-1] /= (float)nGrid_dirs;
332 pars->
M_norm[d][n-1][0] = 1.0f/(a_avg[n-1]+2.23e-6f);
333 pars->
M_norm[d][n-1][1] = sqrtf(1.0f/(e_avg[n-1]+2.23e-6f));
365 saf_print_warning(
"Unable to load the specified SOFA file, or it contained something other than 2 channels. Using default HRIR data instead.");
401 hrtf_vbap_gtable = NULL;
406 if(hrtf_vbap_gtable==NULL){
455 free(hrtf_vbap_gtable);
472 const float *
const * inputs,
473 float*
const outputs,
481 int ch, ear, i, band, orderBand, nSH_band, decIdx, nSH;
482 const float_complex calpha = cmplxf(1.0f, 0.0f), cbeta = cmplxf(0.0f, 0.0f);
485 int nLoudspeakers, binauraliseLS, masterOrder;
487 float transitionFreq;
507 for(i=0; i <
SAF_MIN(nSH, nInputs); i++)
532 nSH_band = (orderBand+1)*(orderBand+1);
535 decIdx = pData->
freqVector[band] < transitionFreq ? 0 : 1;
536 if(rE_WEIGHT[decIdx]){
537 cblas_cgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, nLoudspeakers,
TIME_SLOTS, nSH_band, &calpha,
543 cblas_cgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, nLoudspeakers,
TIME_SLOTS, nSH_band, &calpha,
560 for (ch = 0; ch < nLoudspeakers; ch++) {
569 for (ear = 0; ear <
NUM_EARS; ear++)
582 for(ch = 0; ch <
SAF_MIN(binauraliseLS==1 ?
NUM_EARS : nLoudspeakers, nOutputs); ch++)
584 for (; ch < nOutputs; ch++)
588 for (ch=0; ch < nOutputs; ch++)
637 if(newAzi_deg>180.0f)
638 newAzi_deg = -360.0f + newAzi_deg;
639 newAzi_deg =
SAF_MAX(newAzi_deg, -180.0f);
640 newAzi_deg =
SAF_MIN(newAzi_deg, 180.0f);
651 newElev_deg =
SAF_MAX(newElev_deg, -90.0f);
652 newElev_deg =
SAF_MIN(newElev_deg, 90.0f);
726 int band, rangeIdx, curOrder, reverse;
957 return (
#define MAX_SH_ORDER
Maximum supported Ambisonic order.
Length of progress bar string.
Codec is processing input audio, and should not be reinitialised at this time.
Codec is not processing input audio, and may be reinitialised if needed.
Available Ambisonic normalisation conventions.
Schmidt semi-normalisation (SN3D)
(Legacy) Furse-Malham scaling
orthonormalised (N3D)
Available Ambisonic channel ordering conventions.
Ambisonic Channel Numbering (ACN)
(Legacy) Furse-Malham/B-format (WXYZ)
Maximum number of spherical harmonic components/signals supported.
First-order (4 channels)
Current status of the codec.
Codec has not yet been initialised, or the codec configuration has changed.
Codec is initialised and ready to process input audio.
Codec is currently being initialised, input audio should not be processed.
void afSTFT_clearBuffers(void *const hSTFT)
Flushes time-domain buffers with zeros.
void afSTFT_create(void **const phSTFT, int nCHin, int nCHout, int hopsize, int lowDelayMode, int hybridmode, AFSTFT_FDDATA_FORMAT format)
Creates an instance of afSTFT.
void afSTFT_backward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float_complex ***dataFD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float **dataTD)
Performs backward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_forward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float **dataTD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float_complex ***dataFD)
Performs forward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_getCentreFreqs(void *const hSTFT, float fs, int nBands, float *freqVector)
Returns current frequency vector.
void afSTFT_destroy(void **const phSTFT)
Destroys an instance of afSTFT.
void afSTFT_channelChange(void *const hSTFT, int new_nCHin, int new_nCHout)
Re-allocates memory to support a change in the number of input/output channels.
nBands x nChannels x nTimeHops
#define TIME_SLOTS
Number of STFT timeslots.
#define HOP_SIZE
STFT hop size.
Number of frequency bands.
void ambi_dec_setDecOrderAllBands(void *const hAmbi, int newValue)
Sets the decoding order for all frequency bands.
void ambi_dec_create(void **const phAmbi)
Creates an instance of the ambi_dec.
int ambi_dec_getNumLoudspeakers(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the number of loudspeakers in the current layout.
void ambi_dec_process(void *const hAmbi, const float *const *inputs, float *const *const outputs, int nInputs, int nOutputs, int nSamples)
Decodes input spherical harmonic signals to the loudspeaker channels.
int ambi_dec_getMasterDecOrder(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the master/maximum decoding order (see SH_ORDERS enum)
int ambi_dec_getNSHrequired(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the number of spherical harmonic signals required by the current decoding order: (current_ord...
void ambi_dec_setDecOrder(void *const hAmbi, int newValue, int bandIdx)
Sets the decoding order for a given frequency band.
float ambi_dec_getProgressBar0_1(void *const hAmbi)
(Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress, between 0..1
int ambi_dec_getEnableHRIRsPreProc(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the flag indicating whether the pre-processing applied to the HRTFs is enabled (1) or disable...
void ambi_dec_setBinauraliseLSflag(void *const hAmbi, int newState)
Sets flag to dictate whether the output loudspeaker signals should be binauralised.
float ambi_dec_getLoudspeakerElev_deg(void *const hAmbi, int index)
Returns the loudspeaker elevation in degrees for a given index.
void ambi_dec_setChOrder(void *const hAmbi, int newOrder)
Sets the Ambisonic channel ordering convention to decode with, in order to match the convention emplo...
int ambi_dec_getDecNormType(void *const hAmbi, int index)
Returns the current equalisation approach for one of the decoders (see AMBI_DEC_DIFFUSE_FIELD_EQ_APPR...
int ambi_dec_getDecOrder(void *const hAmbi, int bandIdx)
Returns the decoding order for a given frequency band index (see SH_ORDERS enum)
void ambi_dec_getProgressBarText(void *const hAmbi, char *text)
(Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress text
int ambi_dec_getFrameSize(void)
Returns the processing framesize (i.e., number of samples processed with every _process() call )
int ambi_dec_getNormType(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the Ambisonic normalisation convention currently being usedto decode with,...
int ambi_dec_getHRIRsamplerate(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the HRIR sample rate.
void ambi_dec_setDecEnableMaxrE(void *const hAmbi, int index, int newID)
Sets a flag to enable/disable (1 or 0) the max_rE weighting for one of the decoders.
void ambi_dec_initCodec(void *const hAmbi)
Intialises the codec variables, based on current global/user parameters.
void ambi_dec_setSofaFilePath(void *const hAmbi, const char *path)
Sets the file path for a .sofa file, in order to employ a custom HRIR set for the decoding.
int ambi_dec_getUseDefaultHRIRsflag(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the value of a flag used to dictate whether the default HRIRs in the Spatial_Audio_Framework ...
void ambi_dec_setSourcePreset(void *const hAmbi, int newPresetID)
Sets the source preset (ideal SH or SH signals derived from mic arrays)
void ambi_dec_refreshSettings(void *const hAmbi)
Sets all intialisation flags to 1.
void ambi_dec_getDecOrderHandle(void *const hAmbi, float **pX_vector, int **pY_values, int *pNpoints)
Returns handles for the decoding orders and frequency vector.
int ambi_dec_getDecOrderAllBands(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the decoding order for the first band (see SH_ORDERS enum)
void ambi_dec_setOutputConfigPreset(void *const hAmbi, int newPresetID)
Sets the output loudspeaker preset.
int ambi_dec_getProcessingDelay()
Returns the processing delay in samples; may be used for delay compensation features.
void ambi_dec_setDecNormType(void *const hAmbi, int index, int newID)
Sets the equalisation approach for one of the decoders.
int ambi_dec_getNumberOfBands(void)
Returns the number of frequency bands employed by ambi_dec.
float ambi_dec_getTransitionFreq(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the frequency (in Hz) at which to transition from the low frequency decoder to the high frequ...
void ambi_dec_setDecMethod(void *const hAmbi, int index, int newID)
Sets the decoding method for a specific decoder.
char * ambi_dec_getSofaFilePath(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the file path for a .sofa file (WITH file extension)
void ambi_dec_setLoudspeakerElev_deg(void *const hAmbi, int index, float newElev_deg)
Sets the elevation of a specific loudspeaker.
CODEC_STATUS ambi_dec_getCodecStatus(void *const hAmbi)
Returns current codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
void ambi_dec_setUseDefaultHRIRsflag(void *const hAmbi, int newState)
Sets flag to dictate whether the default HRIRs in the Spatial_Audio_Framework should be used (1),...
void ambi_dec_setMasterDecOrder(void *const hAmbi, int newValue)
Sets the master decoding order.
int ambi_dec_getDecMethod(void *const hAmbi, int index)
Returns the currently selected decoding method (see AMBI_DEC_DECODING_METHODS enum)
void ambi_dec_setEnableHRIRsPreProc(void *const hAmbi, int newState)
Enable (1) or disable (0) the pre-processing applied to the HRTFs.
int ambi_dec_getChOrder(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the Ambisonic channel ordering convention currently being used to decode with,...
void ambi_dec_init(void *const hAmbi, int sampleRate)
Initialises an instance of ambi_dec with default settings.
void ambi_dec_setTransitionFreq(void *const hAmbi, float newValue)
Sets the frequeny at which to transition from the low frequency decoder to the high frequency decoder...
void ambi_dec_setLoudspeakerAzi_deg(void *const hAmbi, int index, float newAzi_deg)
Sets the azimuth of a specific loudspeaker.
void ambi_dec_setNumLoudspeakers(void *const hAmbi, int new_nLoudspeakers)
Sets the number of loudspeakers to decode to.
void ambi_dec_setNormType(void *const hAmbi, int newType)
Sets the Ambisonic normalisation convention to decode with, in order to match with the convention emp...
int ambi_dec_getMaxNumLoudspeakers()
Returns the maximum number of loudspeakers supported by ambi_dec.
int ambi_dec_getDecEnableMaxrE(void *const hAmbi, int index)
Returns the value of a flag used to dictate whether the max_rE weighting is being applied by a given ...
int ambi_dec_getBinauraliseLSflag(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the value of a flag used to dictate whether the loudspeaker signals should be binauralised (0...
void ambi_dec_destroy(void **const phAmbi)
Destroys an instance of the ambi_dec.
int ambi_dec_getDAWsamplerate(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the DAW/Host sample rate.
float ambi_dec_getLoudspeakerAzi_deg(void *const hAmbi, int index)
Returns the loudspeaker azimuth in degrees for a given index.
Minimum transition value between low/high frequency decoders, in Hz.
Maximum transition value between low/high frequency decoders, in Hz.
When using mixed order decoding (i.e.
preserve omni amplitude
preserve omni energy
Sampling Ambisonic Decoder (SAD)
Mode-Matching Decoder (MMD)
Energy-Preserving Ambisonic Decoder (EPAD)
All-Round Ambisonic Decoder (AllRAD)
void ambi_dec_setCodecStatus(void *const hAmbi, CODEC_STATUS newStatus)
Sets codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
void ambi_dec_interpHRTFs(void *const hAmbi, float azimuth_deg, float elevation_deg, float_complex h_intrp[HYBRID_BANDS][NUM_EARS])
Interpolates between the 3 nearest HRTFs using amplitude-preserving VBAP gains.
void loadLoudspeakerArrayPreset(LOUDSPEAKER_ARRAY_PRESETS preset, float dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_LOUDSPEAKERS][2], int *newNCH, int *nDims)
Returns the loudspeaker directions for a specified loudspeaker array preset.
A frequency-dependent Ambisonic decoder for reproducing Ambisonic sound scenes over loudspeakers.
To avoid triangulation errors when using AllRAD.
Framesize, in time-domain samples.
Maximum permitted output channels.
One for low-frequencies and another for high-frequencies.
void convertHOAChannelConvention(float *insig, int order, int signalLength, HOA_CH_ORDER inConvention, HOA_CH_ORDER outConvention)
Converts an Ambisonic signal from one channel ordering convention to another.
void getLoudspeakerDecoderMtx(float *ls_dirs_deg, int nLS, LOUDSPEAKER_AMBI_DECODER_METHODS method, int order, int enableMaxReWeighting, float *decMtx)
Computes an ambisonic decoding matrix of a specific order, for a given loudspeaker layout.
void convertHOANormConvention(float *insig, int order, int signalLength, HOA_NORM inConvention, HOA_NORM outConvention)
Converts an Ambisonic signal from one normalisation convention to another.
void getMaxREweights(int order, int diagMtxFlag, float *a_n)
Computes the weights required to manipulate a hyper-cardioid beam-pattern, such that it has maximum e...
Furse-Malham (FuMa) convention, often used by older recordings.
Ambisonic Channel numbering (ACN) convention, which is employed by all spherical harmonic related fun...
All-Round Ambisonic Decoder (AllRAD): SAD decoding to a t-design, panned for the target loudspeaker d...
Sampling Ambisonic Decoder (SAD): transpose of the loudspeaker spherical harmonic matrix,...
Energy-Preserving Ambisonic Decoder (EPAD) [1].
Mode-Matching Decoder (MMD): pseudo-inverse of the loudspeaker spherical harmonic matrix.
Furse-Malham (FuMa) convention.
Schmidt semi-normalisation (SN3D) convention, as used by the AmbiX standard.
Orthonormalised (N3D) convention, which is the default convention used by SAF.
const int __default_N_hrir_dirs
The number of directions/measurements in the default HRIR dataset.
const float __default_hrirs[836][2][256]
The default HRIR data for SAF.
const float __default_hrir_dirs_deg[836][2]
The measurement directions used for the default HRIR dataset.
const int __default_hrir_len
The length of the filters, in samples, for the default HRIR dataset.
const int __default_hrir_fs
The samplerate used to measure the default HRIR filters.
void diffuseFieldEqualiseHRTFs(int N_dirs, float *itds_s, float *centreFreq, int N_bands, float *weights, int applyEQ, int applyPhase, float_complex *hrtfs)
Applies pre-processing to a set of HRTFs, which can either be diffuse-field EQ of an (optionally weig...
void estimateITDs(float *hrirs, int N_dirs, int hrir_len, int fs, float *itds_s)
Estimates the interaural time-differences (ITDs) for each HRIR based on the cross-correlation between...
void HRIRs2HRTFs_afSTFT(float *hrirs, int N_dirs, int hrir_len, int hopsize, int LDmode, int hybridmode, float_complex *hrtf_fb)
Passes zero padded HRIRs through the afSTFT filterbank.
#define ORDER2NSH(order)
Converts spherical harmonic order to number of spherical harmonic components i.e: (order+1)^2.
int calculateGridWeights(float *dirs_rad, int nDirs, int order, float *w)
Computes approximation of quadrature/integration weights for a given grid.
void getSHreal(int order, float *dirs_rad, int nDirs, float *Y)
Computes real-valued spherical harmonics [1] for each given direction on the unit sphere.
void saf_sofa_close(saf_sofa_container *c)
Frees all SOFA data in a sofa_container.
SAF_SOFA_ERROR_CODES saf_sofa_open(saf_sofa_container *h, char *sofa_filepath, SAF_SOFA_READER_OPTIONS option)
Fills a 'sofa_container' with data found in a SOFA file (GeneralFIR or SimpleFreeFieldHRIR),...
SOFA loader error codes.
None of the error checks failed.
#define SAF_CLAMP(a, min, max)
Ensures value "a" is clamped between the "min" and "max" values.
#define SAF_PI
pi constant (single precision)
#define SAF_MAX(a, b)
Returns the maximum of the two values.
#define NUM_EARS
2 (true for most humans)
void utility_svvcopy(const float *a, const int len, float *c)
Single-precision, vector-vector copy, i.e.
const float __Tdesign_degree_30_dirs_deg[480][2]
Directions [azimuth, Elevation] in degrees, for minimum Tdesign degree: 30.
#define SAF_MIN(a, b)
Returns the minimum of the two values.
void sphElev2incl(float *dirsElev, int nDirs, int degreesFlag, float *dirsIncl)
Converts spherical coordinates of unit length from elevation to inclination.
const float __Eigenmike32_freqRange[6]
Sensor array frequency ranges for each SH order, for the Eigenmike32 (should only be used as a rough ...
#define saf_print_warning(message)
Macro to print a warning message along with the filename and line number.
const int __Eigenmike32_maxOrder
Max spherical harmonic order for the Eigenmike32.
const float __Zylia_freqRange[4]
Sensor array frequency ranges for each SH order, for the Zylia array (should only be used as a rough ...
const int __DTU_mic_maxOrder
Max spherical harmonic order for the custom 52-sensor array built at the Technical University of Denm...
const float __DTU_mic_freqRange[10]
Sensor array frequency ranges for each SH order, for the DTU mic (should only be used as a rough esti...
const int __Zylia_maxOrder
Max spherical harmonic order for the Zylia mic.
void generateVBAPgainTable3D(float *ls_dirs_deg, int L, int az_res_deg, int el_res_deg, int omitLargeTriangles, int enableDummies, float spread, float **gtable, int *N_gtable, int *nTriangles)
Generates a 3-D VBAP gain table based on specified loudspeaker directions, with optional spreading [2...
void compressVBAPgainTable3D(float *vbap_gtable, int nTable, int nDirs, float *vbap_gtableComp, int *vbap_gtableIdx)
Compresses a VBAP gain table to use less memory and CPU (by removing the elements which are just zero...
void ** malloc2d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t data_size)
2-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
void * malloc1d(size_t dim1_data_size)
1-D malloc (same as malloc, but with error checking)
void * realloc1d(void *ptr, size_t dim1_data_size)
1-D realloc (same as realloc, but with error checking)
void *** malloc3d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t data_size)
3-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
#define FLATTEN2D(A)
Use this macro when passing a 2-D dynamic multi-dimensional array to memset, memcpy or any other func...
#define FLATTEN3D(A)
Use this macro when passing a 3-D dynamic multi-dimensional array to memset, memcpy or any other func...
Contains variables for sofa file loading, HRTF interpolation, and the loudspeaker decoders.
interpolated HRTFs
char * sofa_filepath
absolute/relevative file path for a sofa file
float * M_dec_maxrE[NUM_DECODERS][MAX_SH_ORDER]
ambisonic decoding matrices with maxrE weighting ([0] for low-freq, [1] for high-freq); FLAT: nLoudsp...
ambisonic decoding matrices ([0] for low-freq, [1] for high-freq); FLAT: nLoudspeakers x nSH
int hrtf_nTriangles
number of triangle groups after triangulation
float * itds_s
interaural-time differences for each HRIR (in seconds); N_hrirs x 1
int * hrtf_vbap_gtableIdx
N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x 3.
int hrtf_vbapTableRes[2]
[azi elev] step sizes in degrees
int hrir_len
length of the HRIRs, this can be truncated, see "saf_sofa_reader.h"
float_complex * hrtf_fb
HRTF filterbank coefficients; nBands x nCH x N_hrirs.
int hrir_fs
sampling rate of the HRIRs, should ideally match the host sampling rate, although not required
float_complex * M_dec_cmplx_maxrE[NUM_DECODERS][MAX_SH_ORDER]
complex ambisonic decoding matrices with maxrE weighting ([0] for low-freq, [1] for high-freq); FLAT:...
float * hrtf_fb_mag
magnitudes of the HRTF filterbank coefficients; nBands x nCH x N_hrirs
int N_hrtf_vbap_gtable
number of interpolation directions
float_complex * M_dec_cmplx[NUM_DECODERS][MAX_SH_ORDER]
complex ambisonic decoding matrices ([0] for low-freq, [1] for high-freq); FLAT: nLoudspeakers x nSH
float * weights
grid integration weights of hrirs; N_hrirs x 1
int N_hrir_dirs
number of HRIR directions in the current sofa file
float * hrtf_vbap_gtableComp
N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x 3.
float * hrirs
time domain HRIRs; N_hrir_dirs x 2 x hrir_len
norm coefficients to preserve omni energy/amplitude between different orders and decoders
float * hrir_dirs_deg
directions of the HRIRs in degrees [azi elev]; N_hrir_dirs x 2
Main structure for ambi_dec.
CODEC_STATUS codecStatus
int new_nLoudpkrs
if new_nLoudpkrs != nLoudpkrs, afSTFT is reinitialised (current value will be replaced by this after ...
int new_masterOrder
if new_masterOrder != masterOrder, ambi_dec is reinitialised (current value will be replaced by this ...
CH_ORDER chOrdering
Ambisonic channel order convention (see CH_ORDER)
int loudpkrs_nDims
dimensionality of the current loudspeaker set-up
float ** SHFrameTD
Input spherical harmonic (SH) signals in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_SH_SIGNALS x AMBI_DEC_FRAME_SIZE.
float loudpkrs_dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_LOUDSPEAKERS][NUM_DECODERS]
loudspeaker directions in degrees [azi, elev]
float_complex *** binframeTF
Output binaural signals in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x NUM_EARS x TIME_SLOTS.
int useDefaultHRIRsFLAG
1: use default HRIRs in database, 0: use those from SOFA file
float transitionFreq
transition frequency for the 2 decoders, in Hz
void * hSTFT
afSTFT handle
0:disabled, 1: enable max_rE weight
diffuse-field EQ approach; see AMBI_DEC_DIFFUSE_FIELD_EQ_APPROACH enum
float_complex *** SHframeTF
Input spherical harmonic (SH) signals in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_SH_SIGNALS...
int enableHRIRsPreProc
flag to apply pre-processing to the currently loaded HRTFs
float progressBar0_1
Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].
int masterOrder
Current maximum/master decoding order.
Ambisonic normalisation convention (see NORM_TYPES)
float ** outputFrameTD
Output loudspeaker or binaural signals in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_LOUDSPEAKERS x AMBI_DEC_FRAME_SIZE...
int recalc_hrtf_interpFLAG[MAX_NUM_LOUDSPEAKERS]
0: no init required, 1: init required
int nLoudpkrs
number of loudspeakers/virtual loudspeakers
decoding methods for each decoder, see AMBI_DEC_DECODING_METHODS enum
PROC_STATUS procStatus
float freqVector[HYBRID_BANDS]
frequency vector for time-frequency transform, in Hz
char * progressBarText
Current (re)initialisation step, string.
int orderPerBand[HYBRID_BANDS]
Ambisonic decoding order per frequency band 1..SH_ORDER.
int binauraliseLS
1: convolve loudspeaker signals with HRTFs, 0: output loudspeaker signals
ambi_dec_codecPars * pars
codec parameters
float_complex *** outputframeTF
Output loudspeaker signals in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_LOUDSPEAKERS x TIME_S...
int new_binauraliseLS
if new_binauraliseLS != binauraliseLS, ambi_dec is reinitialised (current value will be replaced by t...
int reinit_hrtfsFLAG
0: no init required, 1: init required
SOFA container struct comprising all possible data that can be extracted from SOFA 1....
int DataLengthIR
Length of the IRs, in samples.
int nSources
Number of source/measurement positions.
float * SourcePosition
Source positions (refer to SourcePositionType & SourcePositionUnits for the convention and units); FL...
float DataSamplingRate
Sampling rate used to measure the IRs.
int nReceivers
Number of ears/number of mics etc.
float * DataIR
The impulse response (IR) Data; FLAT:nSources x nReceivers x DataLengthIR.