50#ifndef __afSTFTlib_INCLUDED__
51#define __afSTFTlib_INCLUDED__
125 float_complex*** dataFD);
146 float_complex*** dataFD);
159 float_complex* dataFD);
170 float_complex*** dataFD,
189 float_complex*** dataFD,
204 float_complex* dataFD,
const float __afSTFT_protoFilter1024[10240]
Prototype filter used by afSTFTlib.
const float __afSTFT_protoFilter1024LD[10240]
Prototype filter used by afSTFTlib (low-delay mode)
void afSTFT_backward_flat(void *const hSTFT, float_complex *dataFD, int framesize, float *dataTD)
Performs backward afSTFT transform (flattened arrays)
void afSTFT_FIRtoFilterbankCoeffs(float *hIR, int N_dirs, int nCH, int ir_len, int hopSize, int LDmode, int hybridmode, float_complex *hFB)
Converts FIR filters into Filterbank Coefficients by passing them through the afSTFT filterbank.
void afSTFT_forward_flat(void *const hSTFT, float *dataTD, int framesize, float_complex *dataFD)
Performs forward afSTFT transform (flattened arrays)
int afSTFT_getNBands(void *const hSTFT)
Returns number of frequency bands.
void afSTFT_clearBuffers(void *const hSTFT)
Flushes time-domain buffers with zeros.
void afSTFT_create(void **const phSTFT, int nCHin, int nCHout, int hopsize, int lowDelayMode, int hybridmode, AFSTFT_FDDATA_FORMAT format)
Creates an instance of afSTFT.
int afSTFT_getProcDelay(void *const hSTFT)
Returns current processing delay, in samples.
Options for how the frequency domain data is permuted when using afSTFT.
nTimeHops x nChannels x nBands
nBands x nChannels x nTimeHops
void afSTFT_backward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float_complex ***dataFD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float **dataTD)
Performs backward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_forward(void *const hSTFT, float **dataTD, int framesize, float_complex ***dataFD)
Performs forward afSTFT transform.
void afSTFT_forward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float **dataTD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float_complex ***dataFD)
Performs forward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_getCentreFreqs(void *const hSTFT, float fs, int nBands, float *freqVector)
Returns current frequency vector.
void afSTFT_destroy(void **const phSTFT)
Destroys an instance of afSTFT.
void afSTFT_channelChange(void *const hSTFT, int new_nCHin, int new_nCHout)
Re-allocates memory to support a change in the number of input/output channels.
void afSTFT_backward(void *const hSTFT, float_complex ***dataFD, int framesize, float **dataTD)
Performs backward afSTFT transform.
Main header for the utilities module (SAF_UTILITIES_MODULE)