55 *phSld = (
104 pData->
fs = 48000.0f;
159 pData->
fs = sampleRate;
208 const float *
const * inputs,
215 int s, i, j, t, ch, band, nSectors, min_band, numAnalysisBands, current_disp_idx;
221 int nSH, masterOrder;
224 float minFreq, maxFreq, avg_ms;
238 for(s=0; s<nSamples; s++){
240 for(ch=0; ch<
SAF_MIN(nInputs,nSH); ch++)
255 for(ch=0; ch<nSH; ch++)
275 numAnalysisBands = 0;
281 nSectors = nSectorsPerBand[band];
282 avgCoeff = avg_ms < 10.0f ? 1.0f : 1.0f / ((avg_ms/1e3f) / (1.0f/(float)
HOP_SIZE) + 2.23e-9f);
285 analysisOrderPerBand[band],
286 pData->
291 for(i=0; i<nSectors; i++){
294 unitSph2cart((
float*)new_doa[i][t], 1, 0, (
297 avg_xyz[j] = new_doa_xyz[j]*avgCoeff + doa_xyz[j] * (1.0f-avgCoeff);
301 pData->
energy[band][i] = new_energy[i][t]*avgCoeff + pData->
energy[band][i] * (1.0f-avgCoeff);
311 nSectors = nSectorsPerBand[band];
312 max_en[band] = 2.3e-13f; min_en[band] = 2.3e13f;
313 for(i=0; i<nSectors; i++){
314 max_en[band] = pData->
energy[band][i] > max_en[band] ? pData->
energy[band][i] : max_en[band];
315 min_en[band] = pData->
energy[band][i] < min_en[band] ? pData->
energy[band][i] : min_en[band];
323 nSectors = nSectorsPerBand[band];
325 for(i=0; i<nSectors; i++){
333 if( analysisOrderPerBand[band]==1 )
381 if(newFreq < pData->minFreq )
404 int band, rangeIdx, curOrder, reverse;
537 return (
566 int** pNsectorsPerBand,
641 return (
#define MAX_SH_ORDER
Maximum supported Ambisonic order.
Length of progress bar string.
Codec is processing input audio, and should not be reinitialised at this time.
Codec is not processing input audio, and may be reinitialised if needed.
Available Ambisonic normalisation conventions.
Schmidt semi-normalisation (SN3D)
(Legacy) Furse-Malham scaling
orthonormalised (N3D)
Available Ambisonic channel ordering conventions.
Ambisonic Channel Numbering (ACN)
(Legacy) Furse-Malham/B-format (WXYZ)
Maximum number of spherical harmonic components/signals supported.
First-order (4 channels)
Current status of the codec.
Codec has not yet been initialised, or the codec configuration has changed.
Codec is initialised and ready to process input audio.
Codec is currently being initialised, input audio should not be processed.
void afSTFT_create(void **const phSTFT, int nCHin, int nCHout, int hopsize, int lowDelayMode, int hybridmode, AFSTFT_FDDATA_FORMAT format)
Creates an instance of afSTFT.
void afSTFT_forward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float **dataTD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float_complex ***dataFD)
Performs forward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_getCentreFreqs(void *const hSTFT, float fs, int nBands, float *freqVector)
Returns current frequency vector.
void afSTFT_destroy(void **const phSTFT)
Destroys an instance of afSTFT.
nBands x nChannels x nTimeHops
#define TIME_SLOTS
Number of STFT timeslots.
#define HOP_SIZE
STFT hop size.
Number of frequency bands.
Number of display slots.
void convertHOAChannelConvention(float *insig, int order, int signalLength, HOA_CH_ORDER inConvention, HOA_CH_ORDER outConvention)
Converts an Ambisonic signal from one channel ordering convention to another.
void getRSH(int N, float *dirs_deg, int nDirs, float *Y)
Computes real-valued spherical harmonics [1] for each given direction on the unit sphere.
void convertHOANormConvention(float *insig, int order, int signalLength, HOA_NORM inConvention, HOA_NORM outConvention)
Converts an Ambisonic signal from one normalisation convention to another.
Furse-Malham (FuMa) convention, often used by older recordings.
Ambisonic Channel numbering (ACN) convention, which is employed by all spherical harmonic related fun...
Furse-Malham (FuMa) convention.
Schmidt semi-normalisation (SN3D) convention, as used by the AmbiX standard.
Orthonormalised (N3D) convention, which is the default convention used by SAF.
#define ORDER2NSH(order)
Converts spherical harmonic order to number of spherical harmonic components i.e: (order+1)^2.
#define SAF_PI
pi constant (single precision)
#define SAF_MAX(a, b)
Returns the maximum of the two values.
const float __Tdesign_degree_70_dirs_deg[2520][2]
Directions [azimuth, Elevation] in degrees, for minimum Tdesign degree: 70.
#define SAF_MIN(a, b)
Returns the minimum of the two values.
const float __Eigenmike32_freqRange[6]
Sensor array frequency ranges for each SH order, for the Eigenmike32 (should only be used as a rough ...
void unitSph2cart(float *dirs, int nDirs, int anglesInDegreesFLAG, float *dirs_xyz)
Converts spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates of unit length.
void unitCart2sph(float *dirs_xyz, int nDirs, int anglesInDegreesFLAG, float *dirs)
Converts Cartesian coordinates of unit length to spherical coordinates.
const int __Eigenmike32_maxOrder
Max spherical harmonic order for the Eigenmike32.
const float __Zylia_freqRange[4]
Sensor array frequency ranges for each SH order, for the Zylia array (should only be used as a rough ...
const int __DTU_mic_maxOrder
Max spherical harmonic order for the custom 52-sensor array built at the Technical University of Denm...
const float __DTU_mic_freqRange[10]
Sensor array frequency ranges for each SH order, for the DTU mic (should only be used as a rough esti...
const int __Tdesign_degree_70_nPoints
Number of directions in a minimum Tdesign of degree: 70.
const int __Zylia_maxOrder
Max spherical harmonic order for the Zylia mic.
void ** malloc2d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t data_size)
2-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
void * malloc1d(size_t dim1_data_size)
1-D malloc (same as malloc, but with error checking)
void *** malloc3d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t data_size)
3-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
void ** calloc2d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t data_size)
2-D calloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
#define FLATTEN2D(A)
Use this macro when passing a 2-D dynamic multi-dimensional array to memset, memcpy or any other func...
int sldoa_getNumberOfBands(void)
Returns the number frequency bands employed by sldoa.
void sldoa_destroy(void **const phSld)
Destroys an instance of the sldoa.
int sldoa_getMasterOrder(void *const hSld)
Returns the current maximum analysis/input order (see SH_ORDERS enum)
int sldoa_getAnaOrder(void *const hSld, int bandIdx)
Returns the input/analysis order for one specific frequency band.
int sldoa_getChOrder(void *const hSld)
Returns the Ambisonic channel ordering convention currently being used to decode with,...
void sldoa_refreshSettings(void *const hSld)
Sets all intialisation flags to 1; re-initialising all settings/variables as sldoa is currently confi...
void sldoa_initCodec(void *const hSld)
Intialises the codec variables, based on current global/user parameters.
int sldoa_getAnaOrderAllBands(void *const hSld)
Returns the input/analysis order for the first frequency band.
void sldoa_setChOrder(void *const hSld, int newOrder)
Sets the Ambisonic channel ordering convention to decode with, in order to match the convention emplo...
void sldoa_setSourcePreset(void *const hSld, int newPresetID)
Sets an input preset, the microphone/hyrophone array used to capture the input signals (see MIC_PRESE...
void sldoa_setMaxFreq(void *const hSld, float newFreq)
Sets the maximum analysis frequency, in Hz.
int sldoa_getFrameSize(void)
Returns the processing framesize (i.e., number of samples processed with every _process() call )
void sldoa_setAnaOrder(void *const hSld, int newValue, int bandIdx)
Sets the input/analysis order for one specific frequency band.
void sldoa_getDisplayData(void *const hSld, float **azi_deg, float **elev_deg, float **colourScale, float **alphaScale, int **pNsectorsPerBand, int *maxNumSectors, int *startBand, int *endBand)
Returns the analysis output data.
float sldoa_getMaxFreq(void *const hSld)
Returns the maximum analysis frequency, in Hz.
void sldoa_setNormType(void *const hSld, int newType)
Sets the Ambisonic normalisation convention to decode with, in order to match with the convention emp...
void sldoa_setAnaOrderAllBands(void *const hSld, int newValue)
Sets the input/analysis order for all frequency bands.
int sldoa_getNormType(void *const hSld)
Returns the Ambisonic normalisation convention currently being usedto decode with,...
void sldoa_getAnaOrderHandle(void *const hSld, float **pX_vector, int **pY_values, int *pNpoints)
Returns the input/analysis order for all frequency bands.
void sldoa_init(void *const hSld, float sampleRate)
Initialises an instance of sldoa with default settings.
void sldoa_analysis(void *const hSld, const float *const *inputs, int nInputs, int nSamples, int isPlaying)
Applies the spatially-localised active-intensity based direction-of-arrival estimator (SLDoA) onto th...
float sldoa_getProgressBar0_1(void *const hSld)
(Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress, between 0..1
float sldoa_getAvg(void *const hSld)
Returns the current DoA averaging coefficient value, 0..1.
float sldoa_getMinFreq(void *const hSld)
Returns the minimum analysis frequency, in Hz.
int sldoa_getProcessingDelay()
Returns the processing delay in samples (may be used for delay compensation features)
CODEC_STATUS sldoa_getCodecStatus(void *const hSld)
Returns current codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
void sldoa_setAvg(void *const hSld, float newAvg)
Sets the DoA averaging coefficient, 0..1.
int sldoa_getNSHrequired(void *const hSld)
Returns the number of spherical harmonic signals required by the current analysis order: (current_ord...
void sldoa_setMasterOrder(void *const hSld, int newValue)
Sets the maximum input/analysis order (see SH_ORDERS enum)
void sldoa_getProgressBarText(void *const hSld, char *text)
(Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress text
void sldoa_create(void **const phSld)
Creates an instance of the sldoa.
int sldoa_getSamplingRate(void *const hSld)
Returns the current sampling rate, in Hz.
void sldoa_setMinFreq(void *const hSld, float newFreq)
Sets the minimum analysis frequency, in Hz.
A spatially-localised active-intensity (SLAI) based direction-of- arrival estimator (SLDoA)
void sldoa_setCodecStatus(void *const hSld, CODEC_STATUS newStatus)
Sets codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
void sldoa_initAna(void *const hSld)
Intialises the codec variables, based on current global/user parameters.
void sldoa_initTFT(void *const hSld)
Initialise the filterbank used by sldoa.
void sldoa_estimateDoA(float_complex **SHframeTF, int anaOrder, float_complex *secCoeffs, float doa[MAX_NUM_SECTORS][TIME_SLOTS][2], float energy[MAX_NUM_SECTORS][TIME_SLOTS])
Estimates the DoA using the active intensity vectors derived from spatially localised sectors,...
A spatially-localised active-intensity (SLAI) based direction-of- arrival estimator (SLDoA)
maximum number of sectors, TODO: expand beyond 64 (which is the max possible in the spherecovering gr...
Framesize, in time-domain samples.
Macro to convert SH order to number of sectors.
int FIFO_idx
FIFO buffer index.
float maxFreq
Maximum display frequency, in Hz.
Current Sector energies.
int new_masterOrder
New master/maximum analysis order (current value will be replaced by this after next re-init)
float fs
Host sampling rate, in Hz.
float progressBar0_1
Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].
PROC_STATUS procStatus
float ** inFIFO
FIFO buffer.
void * hSTFT
afSTFT handle
float * colourScale[NUM_DISP_SLOTS]
Values dictating each DoA marker colour.
float * alphaScale[NUM_DISP_SLOTS]
Values dictating each DoA marker transparency.
int analysisOrderPerBand[HYBRID_BANDS]
Analysis order MIN(anaPerBand, masterOrder) for each frequency band.
float * elev_deg[NUM_DISP_SLOTS]
DoA elevations, in degrees.
float_complex * secCoeffs[MAX_SH_ORDER-1]
Sector beamforming weights/coefficients.
CODEC_STATUS codecStatus
float minFreq
Minimum display frequency, in Hz.
Current DoA estimates per band and sector, in radians.
float ** grid_Y_dipoles_norm
SH basis.
char * progressBarText
Current (re)initialisation step, string.
Ambisonic normalisation convention (see NORM_TYPES)
float_complex *** SHframeTF
time-frequency domain SH input frame; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_SH_SIGNALS x TIME_SLOTS
float ** grid_dirs_deg
Grid directions, in degrees.
float ** SHframeTD
time-domain SH input frame; MAX_NUM_SH_SIGNALS x SLDOA_FRAME_SIZE
float avg_ms
Temporal averaging, in ms.
CH_ORDER chOrdering
Ambisonic channel order convention (see CH_ORDER)
int masterOrder
Current master/maximum analysis order.
int nSectorsPerBand[HYBRID_BANDS]
Number of sectors per band.
int nGrid
Number of grid directions.
int current_disp_idx
Current display slot.
float freqVector[HYBRID_BANDS]
Frequency vector (filterbank centre frequencies)
float * azi_deg[NUM_DISP_SLOTS]
DoA azimuths, in degrees.