52 *phPan = (
105 if(pData->
129 pData->
fs = sampleRate;
178 const float *
const * inputs,
179 float*
const outputs,
186 int t, ch, ls, i, band, nSources, nLoudspeakers, N_azi, aziIndex, elevIndex, idx3d, idx2D;
187 float aziRes, elevRes, pv_f, gains3D_sum_pvf, gains2D_sum_pvf, Rxyz[3][3], hypotxy;
189 const float_complex calpha = cmplxf(1.0f, 0.0f), cbeta = cmplxf(0.0f, 0.0f);
203 for(i=0; i <
SAF_MIN(nSources,nInputs); i++)
216 for(i=0; i<nSources; i++){
222 cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, nSources, 3, 3, 1.0f,
224 (
float*)Rxyz, 3, 0.0f,
226 for(i=0; i<nSources; i++){
238 N_azi = (int)(360.0f / aziRes + 0.5f) + 1;
239 for (ch = 0; ch < nSources; ch++) {
245 elevIndex = (int)((pData->
src_dirs_rot_deg[ch][1] + 90.0f) / elevRes + 0.5f);
246 idx3d = elevIndex * N_azi + aziIndex;
247 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
248 gains3D[ls] = pData->
251 pv_f = pData->
253 gains3D_sum_pvf = 0.0f;
254 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
255 gains3D_sum_pvf += powf(
SAF_MAX(gains3D[ls], 0.0f), pv_f);
256 gains3D_sum_pvf = powf(gains3D_sum_pvf, 1.0f/(pv_f+2.23e-9f));
257 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
258 pData->
G_src[band][ch][ls] = cmplxf(gains3D[ls] / (gains3D_sum_pvf+2.23e-9f), 0.0f);
261 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
262 pData->
G_src[band][ch][ls] = cmplxf(gains3D[ls], 0.0f);
269 cblas_cgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, nLoudspeakers,
TIME_SLOTS, nSources, &calpha,
273 for (i = 0; i < nLoudspeakers; i++)
280 for (ch = 0; ch < nSources; ch++) {
285 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
286 gains2D[ls] = pData->
289 pv_f = pData->
291 gains2D_sum_pvf = 0.0f;
292 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
293 gains2D_sum_pvf += powf(
SAF_MAX(gains2D[ls], 0.0f), pv_f);
294 gains2D_sum_pvf = powf(gains2D_sum_pvf, 1.0f/(pv_f+2.23e-9f));
295 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
296 pData->
G_src[band][ch][ls] = cmplxf(gains2D[ls] / (gains2D_sum_pvf+2.23e-9f), 0.0f);
299 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
300 pData->
G_src[band][ch][ls] = cmplxf(gains2D[ls], 0.0f);
307 for (ls = 0; ls < nLoudspeakers; ls++)
320 for (ch = 0; ch <
SAF_MIN(nLoudspeakers, nOutputs); ch++)
322 for (; ch < nOutputs; ch++)
327 for (ch=0; ch < nOutputs; ch++)
350 if(newAzi_deg>180.0f)
351 newAzi_deg = -360.0f + newAzi_deg;
352 newAzi_deg =
SAF_MAX(newAzi_deg, -180.0f);
353 newAzi_deg =
SAF_MIN(newAzi_deg, 180.0f);
364 newElev_deg =
SAF_MAX(newElev_deg, -90.0f);
365 newElev_deg =
SAF_MIN(newElev_deg, 90.0f);
379 if(pData->
nSources != new_nSources){
381 for(ch=pData->
nSources; ch<pData->new_nSources; ch++)
392 if(newAzi_deg>180.0f)
393 newAzi_deg = -360.0f + newAzi_deg;
394 newAzi_deg =
SAF_MAX(newAzi_deg, -180.0f);
395 newAzi_deg =
SAF_MIN(newAzi_deg, 180.0f);
410 newElev_deg =
SAF_MAX(newElev_deg, -90.0f);
411 newElev_deg =
SAF_MIN(newElev_deg, 90.0f);
465 if(pData->
DTT != newValue){
466 pData->
DTT = newValue;
Maximum number of input channels supported.
Maximum number of output channels supported.
Length of progress bar string.
Codec is processing input audio, and should not be reinitialised at this time.
Codec is not processing input audio, and may be reinitialised if needed.
Current status of the codec.
Codec has not yet been initialised, or the codec configuration has changed.
Codec is initialised and ready to process input audio.
Codec is currently being initialised, input audio should not be processed.
void afSTFT_backward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float_complex ***dataFD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float **dataTD)
Performs backward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_forward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float **dataTD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float_complex ***dataFD)
Performs forward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_getCentreFreqs(void *const hSTFT, float fs, int nBands, float *freqVector)
Returns current frequency vector.
void afSTFT_destroy(void **const phSTFT)
Destroys an instance of afSTFT.
#define TIME_SLOTS
Number of STFT timeslots.
#define HOP_SIZE
STFT hop size.
Number of frequency bands.
#define SAF_CLAMP(a, min, max)
Ensures value "a" is clamped between the "min" and "max" values.
#define DEG2RAD(x)
Converts degrees to radians.
#define SAF_MAX(a, b)
Returns the maximum of the two values.
float matlab_fmodf(float x, float y)
C fmodf function, except it behaves like 'mod' in Matlab (i.e.
void utility_svvcopy(const float *a, const int len, float *c)
Single-precision, vector-vector copy, i.e.
#define SAF_MIN(a, b)
Returns the minimum of the two values.
void yawPitchRoll2Rzyx(float yaw, float pitch, float roll, int rollPitchYawFLAG, float R[3][3])
Constructs a 3x3 rotation matrix from the Euler angles, using the yaw-pitch-roll (zyx) convention.
#define RAD2DEG(x)
Converts radians to degrees.
void getPvalues(float DTT, float *freq, int nFreq, float *pValues)
Calculates the frequency dependent pValues, which can be applied to ENERGY normalised VBAP gains,...
void ** malloc2d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t data_size)
2-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
void * malloc1d(size_t dim1_data_size)
1-D malloc (same as malloc, but with error checking)
void *** malloc3d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t data_size)
3-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
#define FLATTEN2D(A)
Use this macro when passing a 2-D dynamic multi-dimensional array to memset, memcpy or any other func...
#define FLATTEN3D(A)
Use this macro when passing a 3-D dynamic multi-dimensional array to memset, memcpy or any other func...
void panner_setNumSources(void *const hPan, int new_nSources)
Sets the number of inputs/sources to pan.
void panner_process(void *const hPan, const float *const *inputs, float *const *const outputs, int nInputs, int nOutputs, int nSamples)
Pans the input signals/sources to the loudspeaker channels using VBAP [1], and optional spreading [2]...
void panner_setFlipPitch(void *const hBin, int newState)
Sets a flag as to whether to "flip" the sign of the current 'pitch' angle (0: do not flip sign,...
void panner_setLoudspeakerElev_deg(void *const hPan, int index, float newElev_deg)
Sets the elevation of a specific loudspeaker index, in DEGREES.
void panner_setFlipYaw(void *const hBin, int newState)
Sets a flag as to whether to "flip" the sign of the current 'yaw' angle (0: do not flip sign,...
float panner_getSourceAzi_deg(void *const hPan, int index)
Returns the input/source azimuth for a given index, in DEGREES.
float panner_getYaw(void *const hBin)
Returns the 'yaw' rotation angle, in DEGREES.
int panner_getFlipYaw(void *const hBin)
Returns a flag as to whether to "flip" the sign of the current 'yaw' angle (0: do not flip sign,...
int panner_getNumLoudspeakers(void *const hPan)
Returns the number of loudspeakers in the current layout.
float panner_getLoudspeakerAzi_deg(void *const hPan, int index)
Returns the loudspeaker azimuth for a given index, in DEGREES.
float panner_getProgressBar0_1(void *const hPan)
(Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress, between 0..1
int panner_getDAWsamplerate(void *const hPan)
Returns the DAW/Host sample rate.
void panner_create(void **const phPan)
Creates an instance of the panner.
float panner_getDTT(void *const hPan)
Returns the room coefficient value 0..1.
int panner_getMaxNumSources()
Returns the maximum number of inputs/sources permitted by panner.
void panner_setSpread(void *const hPan, float newValue)
Sets the degree of spread, in DEGREES.
void panner_setSourceAzi_deg(void *const hPan, int index, float newAzi_deg)
Sets the azimuth of a specific input/source index, in DEGREES.
void panner_setLoudspeakerAzi_deg(void *const hPan, int index, float newAzi_deg)
Sets the azimuth of a specific loudspeaker index, in DEGREES.
void panner_setRoll(void *const hBin, float newRoll)
Sets the 'roll' rotation angle, in DEGREES.
int panner_getFlipRoll(void *const hBin)
Returns a flag as to whether to "flip" the sign of the current 'roll' angle (0: do not flip sign,...
void panner_setOutputConfigPreset(void *const hPan, int newPresetID)
Sets a preset for the output configuration (see LOUDSPEAKER_ARRAY_PRESETS enum)
float panner_getPitch(void *const hBin)
Returns the 'pitch' rotation angle, in DEGREES.
float panner_getLoudspeakerElev_deg(void *const hPan, int index)
Returns the loudspeaker elevation for a given index, in DEGREES.
void panner_init(void *const hPan, int sampleRate)
Initialises an instance of panner with default settings.
int panner_getFrameSize(void)
Returns the processing framesize (i.e., number of samples processed with every _process() call )
void panner_setDTT(void *const hPan, float newValue)
Sets the room coefficient value 0..1 [1]; 0: normal room, 0.5: dry listening room,...
void panner_destroy(void **const phPan)
Destroys an instance of the panner.
int panner_getMaxNumLoudspeakers()
Returns the maximum number of loudspeakers permitted.
void panner_setYaw(void *const hBin, float newYaw)
Sets the 'yaw' rotation angle, in DEGREES.
void panner_setPitch(void *const hBin, float newPitch)
Sets the 'pitch' rotation angle, in DEGREES.
void panner_setInputConfigPreset(void *const hPan, int newPresetID)
Sets a preset for the input configuration (see SOURCE_CONFIG_PRESETS enum)
float panner_getRoll(void *const hBin)
Returns the 'roll' rotation angle, in DEGREES.
CODEC_STATUS panner_getCodecStatus(void *const hPan)
Returns current codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
void panner_getProgressBarText(void *const hPan, char *text)
(Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress text
int panner_getProcessingDelay()
Returns the processing delay in samples (may be used for delay compensation features)
float panner_getSourceElev_deg(void *const hPan, int index)
Returns the input/source elevation for a given index, in DEGREES.
void panner_initCodec(void *const hPan)
Intialises the codec variables, based on current global/user parameters.
void panner_setSourceElev_deg(void *const hPan, int index, float newElev_deg)
Sets the elevation of a specific input/source index, in DEGREES.
void panner_refreshSettings(void *const hPan)
Sets all intialisation flags to 1; re-initialising all settings/variables as panner is currently conf...
float panner_getSpread(void *const hPan)
Returns the spread value, in DEGREES.
int panner_getFlipPitch(void *const hBin)
Returns a flag as to whether to "flip" the sign of the current 'pitch' angle (0: do not flip sign,...
void panner_setNumLoudspeakers(void *const hPan, int new_nLoudspeakers)
Sets the number of loudspeakers to pan to.
void panner_setFlipRoll(void *const hBin, int newState)
Sets a flag as to whether to "flip" the sign of the current 'roll' angle (0: do not flip sign,...
int panner_getNumSources(void *const hPan)
Returns the number of inputs/sources in the current layout.
Maximum supported spread angle, degrees.
Minimum supported spread angle, degrees.
void panner_initGainTables(void *const hPan)
Intialises the VBAP gain table used for panning.
void panner_setCodecStatus(void *const hPan, CODEC_STATUS newStatus)
Sets codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
void panner_loadLoudspeakerPreset(LOUDSPEAKER_ARRAY_PRESETS preset, float dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2], int *newNCH, int *nDims)
Loads source/loudspeaker directions from preset.
void panner_initTFT(void *const hPan)
Initialise the filterbank used by panner.
void panner_loadSourcePreset(SOURCE_CONFIG_PRESETS preset, float dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2], int *newNCH, int *nDims)
Loads source directions from preset.
A frequency-dependent 3D panner based on the Vector-base Amplitude Panning (VBAP) method [1],...
Framesize, in time-domain samples.
Main structure for panner.
float roll
roll (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
float freqVector[HYBRID_BANDS]
Frequency vector (centre frequencies)
int recalc_gainsFLAG[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
1: VBAP gains need to be recalculated for this source, 0: do not
float DTT
Room coefficient [3].
float ** inputFrameTD
Input signals, in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_INPUTS x PANNER_FRAME_SIZE.
int vbapTableRes[2]
[0] azimuth, and [1] elevation grid resolution, in degrees
CODEC_STATUS codecStatus
int nSources
Current number of inputs/sources.
float_complex *** inputframeTF
Input signals, in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_INPUTS x TIME_SLOTS.
float_complex *** outputframeTF
Output signals, in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS x TIME_SLOTS.
int recalc_M_rotFLAG
1: recalculate the rotation matrix, 0: do not
float src_dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]
Current source directions.
int output_nDims
Dimensionality of the loudspeaker array, 2: 2-D, 3: 3-D.
int new_nSources
New number of inputs/sources.
int nLoudpkrs
Current number of loudspeakers in the array.
float spread_deg
Source spread/MDAP [2].
float yaw
yaw (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
float loudpkrs_dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS][2]
Current loudspeaker directions.
char * progressBarText
Current (re)initialisation step, string.
float src_dirs_xyz[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]
Intermediate source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.
float * vbap_gtable
Current VBAP gains; FLAT: N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x nLoudpkrs.
PROC_STATUS procStatus
Current VBAP gains per source.
float ** outputFrameTD
Output signals, in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS x PANNER_FRAME_SIZE.
float pitch
pitch (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
float src_dirs_rot_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]
Intermediate rotated source directions, in degrees.
int bFlipRoll
flag to flip the sign of the roll rotation angle
float src_dirs_rot_xyz[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]
Intermediate rotated source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.
int new_nLoudpkrs
New number of loudspeakers in the array.
void * hSTFT
afSTFT handle
float pValue[HYBRID_BANDS]
Used for the frequency-dependent panning normalisation.
int fs
Host sampling rate.
float progressBar0_1
Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].
int reInitGainTables
1: reinitialise the VBAP gain table, 0: do not
int bFlipPitch
flag to flip the sign of the pitch rotation angle
int bFlipYaw
flag to flip the sign of the yaw rotation angle