Main header for the Spherical Harmonic Transform and Spherical Array Processing module (SAF_SH_MODULE) More...
#include "../saf_utilities/saf_utility_complex.h"
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Macros | |
#define | ORDER2NSH(order) |
Converts spherical harmonic order to number of spherical harmonic components i.e: (order+1)^2. | |
#define | NSH2ORDER(nSH) |
Converts number of spherical harmonic components to spherical harmonic order i.e: sqrt(nSH)-1. | |
Enumerations | |
Microphone/Hydrophone array construction types. More... | |
Sector pattern designs for directionally-constraining sound-fields [1]. More... | |
Microphone array to spherical harmonic domain conversion options. More... | |
Functions | |
void | unnorm_legendreP (int n, double *x, int lenX, double *y) |
Calculates unnormalised Legendre polynomials up to order N, for all values in vector x [1]. | |
void | unnorm_legendreP_recur (int n, float *x, int lenX, float *Pnm_minus1, float *Pnm_minus2, float *Pnm) |
Calculates unnormalised Legendre polynomials up to order N, for all values in vector x. | |
void | getSHreal (int order, float *dirs_rad, int nDirs, float *Y) |
Computes real-valued spherical harmonics [1] for each given direction on the unit sphere. | |
void | getSHreal_recur (int order, float *dirs_rad, int nDirs, float *Y) |
Computes real-valued spherical harmonics [1] for each given direction on the unit sphere. | |
void | getSHreal_part (int order_start, int order_end, float *dirs_rad, int nDirs, float *Y) |
void | getSHcomplex (int order, float *dirs_rad, int nDirs, float_complex *Y) |
Computes complex-valued spherical harmonics [1] for each given direction on the unit sphere. | |
void | complex2realSHMtx (int order, float_complex *T_c2r) |
Computes a complex to real spherical harmonic transform matrix. | |
void | real2complexSHMtx (int order, float_complex *T_r2c) |
Computes a real to complex spherical harmonic transform matrix. | |
void | complex2realCoeffs (int order, float_complex *C_N, int K, float *R_N) |
Converts SH coefficients from the complex to real basis. | |
void | getSHrotMtxReal (float R[3][3], float *RotMtx, int L) |
Generates a real-valued spherical harmonic rotation matrix [1] based on a 3x3 rotation matrix (see quaternion2rotationMatrix(), euler2rotationMatrix()) | |
void | computeVelCoeffsMtx (int sectorOrder, float_complex *A_xyz) |
Computes the matrices which generate the coefficients of a beampattern of order (sectorOrder+1) that is essentially the product of a pattern of order=sectorOrder and a dipole. | |
float | computeSectorCoeffsEP (int orderSec, float_complex *A_xyz, SECTOR_PATTERNS pattern, float *sec_dirs_deg, int nSecDirs, float *sectorCoeffs) |
Computes beamforming matrices (sector coefficients) which, when applied to input SH signals, yield energy-preserving (EP) sectors. | |
float | computeSectorCoeffsAP (int orderSec, float_complex *A_xyz, SECTOR_PATTERNS pattern, float *sec_dirs_deg, int nSecDirs, float *sectorCoeffs) |
Computes beamforming matrices (sector coefficients) which, when applied to input SH signals, yield amplitude-preserving (EP) sectors. | |
void | beamWeightsCardioid2Spherical (int N, float *b_n) |
Generates spherical coefficients for generating cardioid beampatterns. | |
void | beamWeightsDolphChebyshev2Spherical (int N, int paramType, float arrayParam, float *b_n) |
Generates beamweights in the SHD for Dolph-Chebyshev beampatterns, with mainlobe and sidelobe control [1]. | |
void | beamWeightsHypercardioid2Spherical (int N, float *b_n) |
Generates beamweights in the SHD for hypercardioid beampatterns. | |
void | beamWeightsMaxEV (int N, float *b_n) |
Generates beamweights in the SHD for maximum energy-vector beampatterns. | |
void | beamWeightsVelocityPatternsReal (int order, float *b_n, float azi_rad, float elev_rad, float_complex *A_xyz, float *velCoeffs) |
Generates beamforming coefficients for velocity patterns (REAL) | |
void | beamWeightsVelocityPatternsComplex (int order, float *b_n, float azi_rad, float elev_rad, float_complex *A_xyz, float_complex *velCoeffs) |
Generates beamforming coefficients for velocity patterns (COMPLEX) | |
void | rotateAxisCoeffsReal (int order, float *c_n, float theta_0, float phi_0, float *c_nm) |
Generates spherical coefficients for a rotated axisymmetric pattern (REAL) | |
void | rotateAxisCoeffsComplex (int order, float *c_n, float theta_0, float phi_0, float_complex *c_nm) |
Generates spherical coefficients for a rotated axisymmetric pattern (COMPLEX) | |
void | checkCondNumberSHTReal (int order, float *dirs_rad, int nDirs, float *w, float *cond_N) |
Computes the condition numbers for a least-squares SHT. | |
int | calculateGridWeights (float *dirs_rad, int nDirs, int order, float *w) |
Computes approximation of quadrature/integration weights for a given grid. | |
void | sphPWD_create (void **const phPWD, int order, float *grid_dirs_deg, int nDirs) |
Creates an instance of a spherical harmonic domain implementation of the steer-response power (SRP) approach for computing power-maps, which can then be used for sound-field visualisation/DoA estimation purposes. | |
void | sphPWD_destroy (void **const phPWD) |
Destroys an instance of the spherical harmonic domain PWD implementation. | |
void | sphPWD_compute (void *const hPWD, float_complex *Cx, int nSrcs, float *P_map, int *peak_inds) |
Computes a power-map based on determining the energy of hyper-cardioid beamformers; optionally, also returning the grid indices corresponding to the N highest peaks (N=nSrcs) | |
void | sphMUSIC_create (void **const phMUSIC, int order, float *grid_dirs_deg, int nDirs) |
Creates an instance of the spherical harmonic domain MUSIC implementation, which may be used for computing pseudo-spectrums for visualisation/DoA estimation purposes. | |
void | sphMUSIC_destroy (void **const phMUSIC) |
Destroys an instance of the spherical harmonic domain MUSIC implementation. | |
void | sphMUSIC_compute (void *const hMUSIC, float_complex *Vn, int nSrcs, float *P_music, int *peak_inds) |
Computes a pseudo-spectrum based on the MUSIC algorithm in the spherical harmonic domain; optionally returning the grid indices corresponding to the N highest peaks (N=nSrcs) | |
void | sphESPRIT_create (void **const phESPRIT, int order) |
Creates an instance of the spherical harmonic domain ESPRIT-based direction of arrival estimator. | |
void | sphESPRIT_destroy (void **const phESPRIT) |
Destroys an instance of the spherical harmonic domain ESPRIT-based direction of arrival estimator. | |
void | sphESPRIT_estimateDirs (void *const hESPRIT, float_complex *Us, int K, float *src_dirs_rad) |
Estimates the direction-of-arrival (DoA) based on the ESPRIT-based estimator, in the spherical harmonic domain. | |
void | generatePWDmap (int order, float_complex *Cx, float_complex *Y_grid, int nGrid_dirs, float *pmap) |
Generates a powermap based on the energy of a plane-wave decomposition (PWD) (i.e. | |
void | generateMVDRmap (int order, float_complex *Cx, float_complex *Y_grid, int nGrid_dirs, float regPar, float *pmap, float_complex *w_MVDR) |
Generates a powermap based on the energy of adaptive Minimum-Variance Distortion-less Response (MVDR) beamformers. | |
void | generateCroPaCLCMVmap (int order, float_complex *Cx, float_complex *Y_grid, int nGrid_dirs, float regPar, float lambda, float *pmap) |
(EXPERIMENTAL) Generates a powermap utilising the CroPaC LCMV post-filter described in [1] | |
void | generateMUSICmap (int order, float_complex *Cx, float_complex *Y_grid, int nSources, int nGrid_dirs, int logScaleFlag, float *pmap) |
Generates an activity-map based on the sub-space multiple-signal classification (MUSIC) method. | |
void | generateMinNormMap (int order, float_complex *Cx, float_complex *Y_grid, int nSources, int nGrid_dirs, int logScaleFlag, float *pmap) |
Generates an activity-map based on the sub-space minimum-norm (MinNorm) method. | |
void | arraySHTmatrices (ARRAY_SHT_OPTIONS method, int order, float amp_thresh_dB, float_complex *H_array, float *grid_dirs_deg, int nBins, int nMics, int nGrid, float *w_grid, float_complex *H_sht) |
Computes matrices required to transform array signals into spherical harmonic signals (frequency-domain) | |
void | arraySHTfilters (ARRAY_SHT_OPTIONS method, int order, float amp_thresh_dB, float_complex *H_array, float *grid_dirs_deg, int nFFT, int nMics, int nGrid, float *w_grid, float *h_sht) |
Computes filters required to transform array signals into spherical harmonic signals (time-domain) | |
void | arraySHTmatricesDiffEQ (float_complex *H_sht, float_complex *DCM, float *freqVector, float alias_freq_hz, int nBins, int order, int nMics, float_complex *H_sht_eq) |
Diffuse-field equalisation of SHT matrices above the spatial aliasing frequency. | |
void | cylModalCoeffs (int order, double *kr, int nBands, ARRAY_CONSTRUCTION_TYPES arrayType, double_complex *b_N) |
Calculates the modal coefficients for open/rigid cylindrical arrays. | |
float | sphArrayAliasLim (float r, float c, int maxN) |
Returns a simple estimate of the spatial aliasing limit (the kR = maxN rule) | |
void | sphArrayNoiseThreshold (int maxN, int Nsensors, float r, float c, ARRAY_CONSTRUCTION_TYPES arrayType, double dirCoeff, float maxG_db, float *f_lim) |
Computes the frequencies (per order), at which the noise of a SHT of a SMA exceeds a specified maximum level. | |
void | sphModalCoeffs (int order, double *kr, int nBands, ARRAY_CONSTRUCTION_TYPES arrayType, double dirCoeff, double_complex *b_N) |
Calculates the modal coefficients for open/rigid spherical arrays. | |
void | sphScattererModalCoeffs (int order, double *kr, double *kR, int nBands, double_complex *b_N) |
Calculates the modal coefficients for a rigid spherical scatterer with omni-directional sensors. | |
void | sphScattererDirModalCoeffs (int order, double *kr, double *kR, int nBands, double dirCoeff, double_complex *b_N) |
Calculates the modal coefficients for a rigid spherical scatterer with directional sensors. | |
void | sphDiffCohMtxTheory (int order, float *sensor_dirs_rad, int N_sensors, ARRAY_CONSTRUCTION_TYPES arrayType, double dirCoeff, double *kr, int nBands, double *M_diffcoh) |
Calculates the theoretical diffuse coherence matrix for a spherical array. | |
void | diffCohMtxMeas (float_complex *H_array, int nBins, int N_sensors, int nGrid, float *w_grid, float_complex *M_diffcoh) |
Calculates the diffuse coherence matrices for an arbitrary array. | |
void | diffCohMtxMeasReal (float *H_array, int N_sensors, int nGrid, float *w_grid, float *M_diffcoh) |
Calculates the diffuse coherence matrices for an array that uses a broad-band real-valued basis. | |
void | simulateCylArray (int order, double *kr, int nBands, float *sensor_dirs_rad, int N_sensors, float *src_dirs_deg, int N_srcs, ARRAY_CONSTRUCTION_TYPES arrayType, float_complex *H_array) |
Simulates a cylindrical microphone array, returning the transfer functions for each (plane wave) source direction on the surface of the cylinder. | |
void | simulateSphArray (int order, double *kr, double *kR, int nBands, float *sensor_dirs_rad, int N_sensors, float *src_dirs_deg, int N_srcs, ARRAY_CONSTRUCTION_TYPES arrayType, double dirCoeff, float_complex *H_array) |
Simulates a spherical microphone array, returning the transfer functions for each (plane wave) source direction on the surface of the sphere. | |
void | evaluateSHTfilters (int order, float_complex *M_array2SH, int nSensors, int nBands, float_complex *H_array, int nDirs, float_complex *Y_grid, float *cSH, float *lSH) |
Generates some objective measures, which evaluate the performance of spatial encoding filters. | |
Main header for the Spherical Harmonic Transform and Spherical Array Processing module (SAF_SH_MODULE)
A collection of spherical harmonic related functions. Many of which have been derived from the MATLAB libraries found in [1-3].
Definition in file saf_sh.h.