A sound-field visualiser based on the directional re-assignment of beamformer energy based on local DoA estimates [1,2].
void | dirass_create (void **const phDir) |
| Creates an instance of the dirass.
void | dirass_destroy (void **const phDir) |
| Destroys an instance of the dirass.
void | dirass_init (void *const hDir, float sampleRate) |
| Initialises an instance of dirass with default settings.
void | dirass_initCodec (void *const hDir) |
| Intialises the codec variables, based on current global/user parameters.
void | dirass_analysis (void *const hDir, const float *const *inputs, int nInputs, int nSamples, int isPlaying) |
| Analyses the input spherical harmonic signals to generate an activity-map as in [1,2].
void | dirass_refreshSettings (void *const hDir) |
| Sets all intialisation flags to 1; re-initialising all settings/variables as dirass is currently configured, at next available opportunity.
void | dirass_setBeamType (void *const hDir, int newType) |
| Sets the sector beamforming pattern to employ for the analysis (see STATIC_BEAM_TYPES enum).
void | dirass_setInputOrder (void *const hDir, int newValue) |
| Sets the input/analysis order (see SH_ORDERS enum)
void | dirass_setDisplayGridOption (void *const hDir, int newState) |
| Sets a new display grid option (see DIRASS_GRID_OPTIONS enum)
void | dirass_setDispWidth (void *const hDir, int newValue) |
| Sets the output display width in pixels.
void | dirass_setUpscaleOrder (void *const hDir, int newValue) |
| Sets the upscale order, only if DIRASS_REASS_MODES is set to REASS_UPSCALE, (see DIRASS_UPSCALE_ORDERS enum).
void | dirass_setDiRAssMode (void *const hDir, int newMode) |
| Sets the analysis directional re-assignment mode (see DIRASS_REASS_MODES enum)
void | dirass_setMinFreq (void *const hDir, float newValue) |
| Sets the minimum analysis frequency, in Hz.
void | dirass_setMaxFreq (void *const hDir, float newValue) |
| Sets the maximum analysis frequency, in Hz.
void | dirass_setChOrder (void *const hDir, int newOrder) |
| Sets the Ambisonic channel ordering convention to decode with, in order to match the convention employed by the input signals (see CH_ORDER enum)
void | dirass_setNormType (void *const hDir, int newType) |
| Sets the Ambisonic normalisation convention to decode with, in order to match with the convention employed by the input signals (see NORM_TYPES enum)
void | dirass_setDispFOV (void *const hDir, int newOption) |
| Sets the visualisation display window horizontal field-of-view (FOV) (see HFOV_OPTIONS enum)
void | dirass_setAspectRatio (void *const hDir, int newOption) |
| Sets the visualisation display window aspect-ratio (see ASPECT_RATIO_OPTIONS enum)
void | dirass_setMapAvgCoeff (void *const hDir, float newValue) |
| Sets the activity-map averaging coefficient, 0..1.
void | dirass_requestPmapUpdate (void *const hDir) |
| Informs dirass that it should compute a new activity-map.
int | dirass_getFrameSize (void) |
| Returns the processing framesize (i.e., number of samples processed with every _process() call )
CODEC_STATUS | dirass_getCodecStatus (void *const hDir) |
| Returns current codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
float | dirass_getProgressBar0_1 (void *const hDir) |
| (Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress, between 0..1
void | dirass_getProgressBarText (void *const hDir, char *text) |
| (Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress text
int | dirass_getInputOrder (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current analysis/input order (see SH_ORDERS enum)
int | dirass_getBeamType (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the sector beamforming pattern to employed for the analysis (see STATIC_BEAM_TYPES enum)
int | dirass_getDisplayGridOption (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current display grid option (see DIRASS_GRID_OPTIONS enum)
int | dirass_getDispWidth (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current output display width in pixels.
int | dirass_getUpscaleOrder (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current upscale order (see DIRASS_UPSCALE_ORDERS enum)
int | dirass_getDiRAssMode (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current analysis directional re-assignment mode (see DIRASS_REASS_MODES enum)
float | dirass_getMinFreq (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current minimum analysis frequency, in Hz.
float | dirass_getMaxFreq (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current maximum analysis frequency, in Hz.
int | dirass_getSamplingRate (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current sampling rate, in Hz.
int | dirass_getNSHrequired (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the number of spherical harmonic signals required by the current analysis order: (current_order + 1)^2.
int | dirass_getChOrder (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the Ambisonic channel ordering convention currently being used to decode with, which should match the convention employed by the input signals (see CH_ORDER enum)
int | dirass_getNormType (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the Ambisonic normalisation convention currently being usedto decode with, which should match the convention employed by the input signals (see NORM_TYPES enum)
int | dirass_getDispFOV (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current visualisation display window horizontal field-of-view (FOV) (see HFOV_OPTIONS enum)
int | dirass_getAspectRatio (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current visualisation display window aspect-ratio (see ASPECT_RATIO_OPTIONS enum)
float | dirass_getMapAvgCoeff (void *const hDir) |
| Returns the current activity-map averaging coefficient, 0..1.
int | dirass_getPmap (void *const hDir, float **grid_dirs, float **pmap, int *nDirs, int *pmapWidth, int *hfov, float *aspectRatio) |
| Returns the latest computed activity-map if it is ready; otherwise it returns 0, and you'll just have to wait a bit.
int | dirass_getProcessingDelay () |
| Returns the processing delay in samples (may be used for delay compensation features)
A sound-field visualiser based on the directional re-assignment of beamformer energy based on local DoA estimates [1,2].
- See also
- [1] McCormack, L., Delikaris-Manias, S., Politis, A., Pavlidi, D., Farina, A., Pinardi, D. and Pulkki, V., 2019. Applications of Spatially Localized Active-Intensity Vectors for Sound-Field Visualization. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 67(11), pp.840-854.
[2] McCormack, L., Politis, A., and Pulkki, V. (2019). "Sharpening of
angular spectra based on a directional re-assignment approach for
ambisonic sound-field visualisation". IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
- Author
- Leo McCormack
- Date
- 21.02.2019
- License
Definition in file dirass.c.