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safmex Directory Reference


 Main include header for safmex.
 MEX wrapper for afSTFT (see the .m file of the same name for documentation)
 MEX wrapper for faf_IIRFilterbank (see the .m file of the same name for documentation)
 MEX wrapper for generateVBAPgainTable3D (see the .m file of the same name for documentation)
 MEX wrapper for getSHcomplex (see the .m file of the same name for documentation)
 MEX wrapper for getSHreal (see the .m file of the same name for documentation)
 MEX wrapper for latticeDecorrelator (see the .m file of the same name for documentation)
 MEX wrapper for qmf (see the .m file of the same name for documentation)
 MEX wrapper for tracker3d (see the .m file of the same name for documentation)