47 *phBin = (
117 for(
int ear = 0; ear <
NUM_EARS; ear++) {
118 pData->
a_dvf[ch][ear][0] = 1.f;
153 if(pData->
177 void *
const hBin,
int sampleRate
229 const float *
const * inputs,
230 float*
const outputs,
237 int ch, ear, i, band, nSources, enableRotation;
238 float hypotxy, headRadiusRecip, fs, ffThresh, rho;
240 float alphaLR[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
247 fs = (float)pData->
254 for (i = 0; i <
SAF_MIN(nSources, nInputs); i++)
256 for (; i < nSources; i++)
260 for (ch = 0; ch < nSources; ch++) {
261 if(fabsf(pData->
src_gains[ch] - 1.f) > 1e-6f)
271 for(i = 0; i < nSources; i++){
277 cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, nSources, 3, 3, 1.0f,
279 (
float*)Rxyz, 3, 0.0f,
281 for (i = 0; i < nSources; i++) {
293 for (ch = 0; ch < nSources; ch++) {
296 if (enableRotation) {
328 float_complex dvfScale;
330 for (ear = 0; ear <
NUM_EARS; ear++) {
347 for (ear = 0; ear <
NUM_EARS; ear++)
363 for (; ch < nOutputs; ch++)
367 for (ch=0; ch < nOutputs; ch++)
Maximum number of input channels supported.
Length of progress bar string.
Codec is processing input audio, and should not be reinitialised at this time.
Codec is not processing input audio, and may be reinitialised if needed.
Codec has not yet been initialised, or the codec configuration has changed.
Codec is initialised and ready to process input audio.
Codec is currently being initialised, input audio should not be processed.
void afSTFT_backward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float_complex ***dataFD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float **dataTD)
Performs backward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_forward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float **dataTD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float_complex ***dataFD)
Performs forward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_destroy(void **const phSTFT)
Destroys an instance of afSTFT.
#define TIME_SLOTS
Number of STFT timeslots.
Number of frequency bands.
void binauraliser_init(void *const hBin, int samplerate)
Initialises an instance of binauraliser with default settings.
Triangular interpolation (with phase-simplification)
void binauraliser_initHRTFsAndGainTables(void *const hBin)
Initialise the HRTFs: either loading the default set or loading from a SOFA file; and then generate a...
void binauraliser_setCodecStatus(void *const hBin, CODEC_STATUS newStatus)
Sets codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
void binauraliser_loadPreset(SOURCE_CONFIG_PRESETS preset, float dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2], int *newNCH, int *nDims)
Returns the source directions for a specified source config preset.
void binauraliser_initTFT(void *const hBin)
Initialise the filterbank used by binauraliser.
void binauraliser_interpHRTFs(void *const hBin, INTERP_MODES mode, float azimuth_deg, float elevation_deg, float_complex h_intrp[HYBRID_BANDS][NUM_EARS])
Interpolates between (up to) 3 HRTFs via amplitude-normalised VBAP gains.
Framesize, in time-domain samples.
void binauraliserNF_init(void *const hBin, int sampleRate)
Initialises an instance of binauraliser with default settings.
float binauraliserNF_getNearfieldLimit_m(void *const hBin)
Returns the minimum distance possible for near field filter, in METERS.
float binauraliserNF_getSourceDist_m(void *const hBin, int index)
Returns the source elevation for a given index, in METERS.
void binauraliserNF_destroy(void **const phBin)
Destroys an instance of the binauraliser.
void binauraliserNF_setInputConfigPreset(void *const hBin, int newPresetID)
Loads an input preset (see SOURCE_CONFIG_PRESETS enum)
float binauraliserNF_getFarfieldThresh_m(void *const hBin)
Returns the distance considered to be the far field (beyond which no near field filtering is applied)...
void binauraliserNF_setSourceDist_m(void *const hBin, int index, float newDist_m)
Sets the panning distance for a specific channel index, in METERS.
float binauraliserNF_getFarfieldHeadroom(void *const hBin)
Returns the scaling factor to give the far field threshold headroom (useful for UI range limits)
void binauraliserNF_initCodec(void *const hBin)
Intialises the codec variables, based on current global/user parameters.
void binauraliserNF_create(void **const phBin)
Creates an instance of the binauraliser.
void binauraliserNF_process(void *const hBin, const float *const *inputs, float *const *outputs, int nInputs, int nOutputs, int nSamples)
Binauralises the input signals at the user specified directions.
void binauraliserNF_resetSourceDistances(void *const hBin)
Resets the source distances to the default far field distance.
Convolves input audio (up to 64 channels) with interpolated HRTFs in the time-frequency domain,...
void doaToIpsiInteraural(float azimuth, float elevation, float *alphaLR, float *betaLR)
Convert a frontal azimuth/elevation to a modified Interaural-Polar coordinate.
#define DEG2RAD(x)
Converts degrees to radians.
#define SAF_MAX(a, b)
Returns the maximum of the two values.
#define NUM_EARS
2 (true for most humans)
void utility_svvcopy(const float *a, const int len, float *c)
Single-precision, vector-vector copy, i.e.
void evalIIRTransferFunctionf(float *b_coeff, float *a_coeff, int nCoeffs, float *freqs, int nFreqs, float fs, int mag2dB, float *magnitude, float *phase_rad)
Computes magnitude and phase response of an IIR filter from its coefficients (floats) at user-specifi...
#define SAF_MIN(a, b)
Returns the minimum of the two values.
void yawPitchRoll2Rzyx(float yaw, float pitch, float roll, int rollPitchYawFLAG, float R[3][3])
Constructs a 3x3 rotation matrix from the Euler angles, using the yaw-pitch-roll (zyx) convention.
void calcDVFCoeffs(float alpha, float rho, float fs, float *b, float *a)
Calculate the Distance Variation Function (DVF) filter coefficients, as described in [1].
void utility_svsmul(float *a, const float *s, const int len, float *c)
Single-precision, multiplies each element in vector 'a' with a scalar 's', i.e.
#define RAD2DEG(x)
Converts radians to degrees.
void ** malloc2d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t data_size)
2-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
void * malloc1d(size_t dim1_data_size)
1-D malloc (same as malloc, but with error checking)
void *** malloc3d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t data_size)
3-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
#define FLATTEN3D(A)
Use this macro when passing a 3-D dynamic multi-dimensional array to memset, memcpy or any other func...
Main structure for binauraliser.
PROC_STATUS procStatus
float progressBar0_1
Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].
int reInitHRTFsAndGainTables
1: reinitialise the HRTFs and interpolation tables, 0: do not
CODEC_STATUS codecStatus
char * progressBarText
Current (re)initialisation step, string.
Main structure for binauraliserNF.
float * itds_s
interaural-time differences for each HRIR (in seconds); nBands x 1
char * sofa_filepath
absolute/relevative file path for a sofa file
float * hrir_dirs_deg
directions of the HRIRs in degrees [azi elev]; FLAT: N_hrir_dirs x 2
float_complex *** outputframeTF
time-frequency domain input frame; HYBRID_BANDS x NUM_EARS x TIME_SLOTS
float_complex * hrtf_fb
hrtf filterbank coefficients; nBands x nCH x N_hrirs
int N_hrtf_vbap_gtable
Number of interpolation weights/directions.
int bFlipRoll
flag to flip the sign of the roll rotation angle
float pitch
pitch (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
void * hSTFT
afSTFT handle
int useDefaultHRIRsFLAG
1: use default HRIRs in database, 0: use those from SOFA file
float src_dirs_rot_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]
Intermediate rotated source directions, in degrees.
float * hrirs
time domain HRIRs; FLAT: N_hrir_dirs x NUM_EARS x hrir_len
int nTriangles
Number of triangles in the convex hull of the spherical arrangement of HRIR directions/points.
float(* src_dirs_cur)[2]
Pointer to assign to the current HRTF directions being operated on (non/rotated directions switch).
int enableRotation
1: enable rotation, 0: disable
CODEC_STATUS codecStatus
float ** inputFrameTD
PROC_STATUS procStatus
char * progressBarText
Current (re)initialisation step, string.
float head_radius_recip
Reciprocal of head radius.
float src_dirs_deg[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][2]
Current source/panning directions, in degrees.
DVF filter frequency band phases.
float a_dvf[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][NUM_EARS][2]
shelf IIR denominator coefficients for each input, left and right.
float * hrtf_fb_mag
magnitudes of the hrtf filterbank coefficients; nBands x nCH x N_hrirs
int hrir_loaded_len
length of the loaded HRIRs, in samples
float * weights
Integration weights for the HRIR measurement grid.
float farfield_thresh_m
Distance considered to be far field (no near field filtering), meters.
float freqVector[HYBRID_BANDS]
Frequency vector (filterbank centre frequencies)
float_complex *** inputframeTF
time-frequency domain input frame; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_INPUTS x TIME_SLOTS
int useRollPitchYawFlag
rotation order flag, 1: r-p-y, 0: y-p-r
int fs
Host sampling rate, in Hz.
int recalc_M_rotFLAG
1: re-calculate the rotation matrix, 0: do not
int * hrtf_vbap_gtableIdx
N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x 3.
int hrir_runtime_len
length of the HRIRs being used for processing (after any resampling), in samples
int enableHRIRsDiffuseEQ
flag to diffuse-field equalisation to the currently loaded HRTFs
float src_dirs_rot_xyz[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]
Intermediate rotated source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.
float roll
roll (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
DVF filter frequency band magnitudes.
float yaw
yaw (Euler) rotation angle, in degrees
int hrir_loaded_fs
sampling rate of the loaded HRIRs
float_complex hrtf_interp[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][HYBRID_BANDS][NUM_EARS]
Interpolated HRTFs.
float farfield_headroom
Scale factor applied to farfield_thresh_m when resetting to the far field, and for UI range,...
int nSources
Current number of input/source signals.
int N_hrir_dirs
number of HRIR directions in the current sofa file
float head_radius
Head radius, used calculate normalized source distance meters, def.
int hrir_runtime_fs
sampling rate of the HRIRs being used for processing (after any resampling)
int bFlipPitch
flag to flip the sign of the pitch rotation angle
int new_nSources
New number of input/source signals (current value will be replaced by this after next re-init)
float b_dvf[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][NUM_EARS][2]
shelf IIR numerator coefficients for each input, left and right.
float progressBar0_1
Current (re)initialisation progress, between [0..1].
int bFlipYaw
flag to flip the sign of the yaw rotation angle
float src_dists_m[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
Source distance, meters.
int recalc_hrtf_interpFLAG[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
1: re-calculate/interpolate the HRTF, 0: do not
float ** outframeTD
time-domain output frame; NUM_EARS x BINAURALISER_FRAME_SIZE
float nearfield_limit_m
Minimum distance allowed for near-field filtering, from head center, meters, def.
float src_dirs_xyz[MAX_NUM_INPUTS][3]
Intermediate source directions, as unit-length Cartesian coordinates.
int reInitHRTFsAndGainTables
1: reinitialise the HRTFs and interpolation tables, 0: do not
float * hrtf_vbap_gtableComp
N_hrtf_vbap_gtable x 3.
float src_gains[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
Gains applied per source.
int recalc_dvfCoeffFLAG[MAX_NUM_INPUTS]
1: re-calculate the DVF coefficients on change in distance, 0: do not.