Where to find?

The collection of plug-ins included in the SPARTA installer are the culmination of numerous software projects.

Frameworks and SDKs

All plug-ins included in the SPARTA suite employ the open-source JUCE framework for their graphical user-interface (GUI) and for wrapping arround the VST2 SDK. The open-source Spatial_Audio_Framework is then used for developing the internal spatial audio signal processing.

Both frameworks are also accompanied by extensive online documentation:

SPARTA suite source code

The source code for the SPARTA plug-ins is made available under the GNU GPLv3 license. However, it should be noted that the repository contains only code for the plug-in GUIs, with the internal signal processing inherited directly from the “examples” (ISC license) found in the Spatial_Audio_Framework.

HADES source code

The source code for the HADES Renderer is made available under the GNU GPLv3 license.

HO-SIRR source code

The source code for the HO-SIRR application is made available under the GNU GPLv3 license. It is essentially a direct C port of the MATLAB toolbox code with JUCE GUI.

CroPaC-Binaural source code

The source code for the CroPaC-Binaural decoder is made available under the GNU GPLv3 license.

UltrasonicSuperHearing source code

The source code for the UltrasonicSuperHearing plugin is made available under the ISC and GNU GPLv3 licenses (source-file dependent).

The following repositories were created by the same developers of SPARTA:

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