
A rendering plugin (VST/LV2/VST3) that serves as a demo/wrapper for the kompassi-encoder and kompassi-decoder

GitHub release (latest by date)
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An Advanced Spatial Audio Codec

Our most advanced parametric rendering algorithms all re-written and intergrated into a highly configurable encoder and decoder. The renderer plugin, which serves as a demo of the codec, currently supports:

  • Ambisonics or tetrahedral/A-format microphone array recordings as input
  • Binaural playback
  • A SOFA loader, allowing for personalised binaural listening
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Sound Scene Modifications

Optionally, the spatial parameter stream produced by the encoder, may be intercepted and augmented before being passed onto the decoder. Currently, this is conducted by the renderer plugin to enable:

  • Six-degrees of Freedom (6DoF) support (i.e., accounting for both listener head-rotations and translations away from the recording point)
  • Biasing the reproduction to give more prominence to either the ambience in the scene or directional sounds