43#define MIN_FRAME_SIZE ( 512 )
44#define MAX_FRAME_SIZE ( 8192 )
45#define NUM_DIMENSIONS ( 3 )
64 float** outputFrameTD;
81 int nListenerPositions;
90 char* progressBarText;
Current status of the processing loop.
Current status of the codec.
Main include header for the Spatial_Audio_Framework (SAF)
Include header for SAF externals.
Main structure for tvconv.
int host_fs
current samplerate of the host
int nOutputChannels
number of output channels (same as the number of channels in the loaded wav)
int reInitFilters
FLAG: 0: do not reinit, 1: reinit, 2: reinit in progress.
int hostBlockSize
current host block size
float ** irs
npositionsx x (FLAT: nfilters x filter_length)
int nIrChannels
number of filters per position
vectorND minDimensions
Minimum values across all dimensions.
int hostBlockSize_clamped
Clamped between MIN and MAX_FRAME_SIZE.
void * hTVConv
saf_TVConv handle
int nInputChannels
number of input channels
vectorND maxDimensions
Maximum values across all dimensions.
vectorND * listenerPositions
The listener positions; nListenerPositions x 3.
A time-varying multi-channel convolver.
SOFA loader error codes.
float vectorND[NUM_DIMENSIONS]
Structure for a vector.
void tvconv_findNearestNeigbour(void *const hTVCnv)
Finds the index holding the nearest neigbour to the selected position.
void tvconv_setCodecStatus(void *const hTVCnv, CODEC_STATUS newStatus)
Sets codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
void tvconv_setMinMaxDimensions(void *const hTVCnv)
Sets the smallest and the highest position of each dimension from the list of positions.