59typedef struct _tracker3d_config{
164 float** target_pos_xyz,
165 float** target_var_xyz,
void tracker3d_reset(void *const hT3d)
Resets an instance of the mighty tracker3d.
void tracker3d_destroy(void **const phT3d)
Destroys an instance of the mighty tracker3d.
void tracker3d_step(void *const hT3d, float *newObs_xyz, int nObs, float **target_pos_xyz, float **target_var_xyz, int **target_IDs, int *nTargets)
Tracker time step to update & predict current target locations and to parse new measurements/observat...
void tracker3d_create(void **const phT3d, tracker3d_config tpars)
Creates an instance of the mighty tracker3d.
User parameters for tracker3d.
float dt
Elapsed time (in seconds) between observations/measurements.
float M0[6]
[0,1,2] Position of sound source PRIORs (x,y,z), [3,4,5] Mean velocity PRIORs (x,y,...
float cd
PRIOR probability of noise.
float init_birth
PRIOR probability of birth [0 1].
float measNoiseSD
Measurement noise standard deviation.
FLAG whether to allow for multiple target deaths in the same tracker prediction step.
FLAG force kill targets that are too close to one another.
float P0[6][6]
Diagonal matrix, [0,1,2] Variance PRIORs of estimates along the x,y,z axes; [3,4,5] Velocity PRIORs o...
int maxNactiveTargets
Maximum number of simultaneous targets permitted.
float forceKillDistance
Euclidian distance at which to kill targets that come too close to other (older) targets (<=).
1: if the Cartesian coordinates are given as unit vectors, 0: if not
float beta_death
Coefficient influencing the likelihood that a target will die; always >= 1.
float alpha_death
Coefficient influencing the likelihood that a target will die; always >= 1.
int Np
Number of Monte Carlo samples/particles.
float noiseLikelihood
Likelihood of an estimate being noise/clutter between [0..1].
float W_avg_coeff
Real-time tracking is based on the particle with highest weight.
float noiseSpecDen
Noise spectral density; influences the smoothness of the traget tracks.