135 const float *
const * inputs,
A bunch of things that are common to many of the saf examples.
Current status of the codec.
int powermap_getNormType(void *const hPm)
Returns the Ambisonic normalisation convention currently being usedto decode with,...
void powermap_refreshSettings(void *const hPm)
Sets all intialisation flags to 1; re-initialising all settings/variables as powermap is currently co...
void powermap_setChOrder(void *const hPm, int newOrder)
Sets the Ambisonic channel ordering convention to decode with, in order to match the convention emplo...
int powermap_getAnaOrder(void *const hPm, int bandIdx)
Returns the input/analysis order for one specific frequency band.
int powermap_getNumberOfBands(void)
Returns the number of frequency bands used for the analysis.
int powermap_getPowermapMode(void *const hPm)
Returns the powermap/activity-map mode to employed for the analysis see POWERMAP_MODES enum.
float powermap_getPowermapAvgCoeff(void *const hPm)
Returns the current activity-map averaging coefficient, 0..1.
int powermap_getAnaOrderAllBands(void *const hPm)
Returns the input/analysis order for the first frequency band.
void powermap_setNormType(void *const hPm, int newType)
Sets the Ambisonic normalisation convention to decode with, in order to match with the convention emp...
float powermap_getProgressBar0_1(void *const hPm)
(Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress, between 0..1
void powermap_setAspectRatio(void *const hPm, int newOption)
Sets the visualisation display window aspect-ratio (see ASPECT_RATIO_OPTIONS enum)
void powermap_setNumSources(void *const hPm, int newValue)
Sets the number of sources present in the input sound scene.
void powermap_setPowermapAvgCoeff(void *const hPm, float newValue)
Sets the activity-map averaging coefficient, 0..1.
int powermap_getFrameSize(void)
Returns the processing framesize (i.e., number of samples processed with every _process() call )
void powermap_setCovAvgCoeff(void *const hPm, float newAvg)
Sets the covariance matrix averaging coefficient, 0..1.
int powermap_getChOrder(void *const hPm)
Returns the Ambisonic channel ordering convention currently being used to decode with,...
void powermap_init(void *const hPm, float samplerate)
Initialises an instance of powermap with default settings.
float powermap_getPowermapEQAllBands(void *const hPm)
Returns the weighting coefficient for the first frequency band.
int powermap_getNumSources(void *const hPm)
Returns the number of sources present in the input sound scene.
void powermap_setSourcePreset(void *const hPm, int newPresetID)
Sets an input preset; the microphone/hyrophone array used to capture the input signals,...
void powermap_initCodec(void *const hPm)
Intialises the codec variables, based on current global/user parameters.
int powermap_getPmap(void *const hPm, float **grid_dirs, float **pmap, int *nDirs, int *pmapWidth, int *hfov, int *aspectRatio)
Returns the latest computed activity-map if it is ready.
void powermap_destroy(void **const phPm)
Destroys an instance of the powermap.
void powermap_setMasterOrder(void *const hPm, int newValue)
Sets the maximum input/analysis order (see SH_ORDERS enum)
void powermap_setAnaOrder(void *const hPm, int newValue, int bandIdx)
Sets the input/analysis order for one specific frequency band index.
int powermap_getAspectRatio(void *const hPm)
Returns the current visualisation display window aspect-ratio (see ASPECT_RATIO_OPTIONS enum)
void powermap_requestPmapUpdate(void *const hPm)
Informs powermap that it should compute a new activity-map at its own convenience,...
void powermap_setPowermapMode(void *const hPm, int newMode)
Sets the powermap/activity-map approach, (see POWERMAP_MODES enum)
void powermap_setPowermapEQAllBands(void *const hPm, float newValue)
Sets the weighting coefficient for all frequency bands.
void powermap_getProgressBarText(void *const hPm, char *text)
(Optional) Returns current intialisation/processing progress text
void powermap_analysis(void *const hPm, const float *const *inputs, int nInputs, int nSamples, int isPlaying)
Analyses the input spherical harmonic signals to generate an activity-map.
void powermap_create(void **const phPm)
Creates an instance of the powermap.
Available power-map/activity-map options.
Activity-map based on the energy of hyper-cardioid [plane-wave decomposition (PWD)] beamformers.
Activity-map based on the energy of minimum- variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformers.
Activity-map based on the sub-space method: minimum-norm (Min-Norm)
Same as PM_MODE_MINNORM, but log(out_values)
Same as PM_MODE_MUSIC, but log(out_values)
Activity-map based on the sub-space method: multiple signal classification (MUSIC)
int powermap_getMasterOrder(void *const hPm)
Returns the current maximum analysis/input order (see SH_ORDERS enum)
float powermap_getPowermapEQ(void *const hPm, int bandIdx)
Returns the weighting coefficient for a particular frequency band index, allowing one to "equalise" t...
void powermap_setDispFOV(void *const hPm, int newOption)
Sets the visualisation display window horizontal field-of-view (FOV) (see HFOV_OPTIONS enum)
int powermap_getDispFOV(void *const hPm)
Returns the current visualisation display window horizontal field-of-view (FOV) (see HFOV_OPTIONS enu...
void powermap_getPowermapEQHandle(void *const hPm, float **pX_vector, float **pY_values, int *pNpoints)
Returns the weighting coefficient for all frequency bands.
void powermap_setAnaOrderAllBands(void *const hPm, int newValue)
Sets the input/analysis order for all frequency bands.
int powermap_getProcessingDelay(void)
Returns the processing delay in samples (may be used for delay compensation features)
int powermap_getSamplingRate(void *const hPm)
Returns the current sampling rate, in Hz.
void powermap_getAnaOrderHandle(void *const hPm, float **pX_vector, int **pY_values, int *pNpoints)
Returns the input/analysis order for all frequency bands.
int powermap_getNSHrequired(void *const hPm)
Returns the number of spherical harmonic signals required by the current analysis order: (current_ord...
void powermap_setPowermapEQ(void *const hPm, float newValue, int bandIdx)
Sets the weighting coefficient for a particular frequency band, allowing one to "equalise" the activi...
CODEC_STATUS powermap_getCodecStatus(void *const hPm)
Returns current codec status (see CODEC_STATUS enum)
float powermap_getCovAvgCoeff(void *const hPm)
Returns the current covariance averaging coefficient value, in Hz.