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Covariance domain framework processing module. More...


file  saf_cdf4sap.c
 Public source for the Covariance Domain Framework module (SAF_CDF4SAP_MODULE)
file  saf_cdf4sap.h
 Main header for the Covariance Domain Framework module (SAF_CDF4SAP_MODULE)


void cdf4sap_create (void **const phCdf, int nXcols, int nYcols)
 Creates an instance of the Covariance Domain Framework.
void cdf4sap_cmplx_create (void **const phCdf, int nXcols, int nYcols)
 Creates an instance of the Covariance Domain Framework.
void cdf4sap_destroy (void **const phCdf)
 Destroys an instance of the Covariance Domain Framework.
void cdf4sap_cmplx_destroy (void **const phCdf)
 Destroys an instance of the Covariance Domain Framework.
void formulate_M_and_Cr (void *const hCdf, float *Cx, float *Cy, float *Q, int useEnergyFLAG, float reg, float *M, float *Cr)
 Computes the optimal mixing matrices.
void formulate_M_and_Cr_cmplx (void *const hCdf, float_complex *Cx, float_complex *Cy, float_complex *Q, int useEnergyFLAG, float reg, float_complex *M, float_complex *Cr)
 Computes the optimal mixing matrices.

Detailed Description

Covariance domain framework processing module.

Function Documentation

◆ cdf4sap_cmplx_create()

void cdf4sap_cmplx_create ( void **const phCdf,
int nXcols,
int nYcols )

Creates an instance of the Covariance Domain Framework.

Use this function for complex-valued input/output matrices. For real-valued input/output matrices use cdf4sap_create().
[in]phCdfThe address (&) of the CDF4SAP handle
[in]nXcolsNumber of columns/rows in square input matrix 'Cx'
[in]nYcolsNumber of columns/rows in square input matrix 'Cy'

Definition at line 139 of file saf_cdf4sap.c.

◆ cdf4sap_cmplx_destroy()

void cdf4sap_cmplx_destroy ( void **const phCdf)

Destroys an instance of the Covariance Domain Framework.

Use this function for complex-valued input/output matrices. For real-valued input/output matrices use cdf4sap_destroy().
[in]phCdfThe address (&) of the CDF4SAP handle

Definition at line 233 of file saf_cdf4sap.c.

◆ cdf4sap_create()

void cdf4sap_create ( void **const phCdf,
int nXcols,
int nYcols )

Creates an instance of the Covariance Domain Framework.

Use this function for real-valued input/output matrices. For complex-valued input/output matrices use cdf4sap_cmplx_create().
[in]phCdfThe address (&) of the CDF4SAP handle
[in]nXcolsNumber of columns/rows in square input matrix 'Cx'
[in]nYcolsNumber of columns/rows in square input matrix 'Cy'

Definition at line 84 of file saf_cdf4sap.c.

◆ cdf4sap_destroy()

void cdf4sap_destroy ( void **const phCdf)

Destroys an instance of the Covariance Domain Framework.

Use this function for real-valued input/output matrices. For complex-valued input/output matrices use cdf4sap_cmplx_destroy().
[in]phCdfThe address (&) of the CDF4SAP handle

Definition at line 196 of file saf_cdf4sap.c.

◆ formulate_M_and_Cr()

void formulate_M_and_Cr ( void *const hCdf,
float * Cx,
float * Cy,
float * Q,
int useEnergyFLAG,
float reg,
float * M,
float * Cr )

Computes the optimal mixing matrices.

This function solves the problem of determining the optimal mixing matrices 'M' and 'Mr', such that the covariance matrix of the output: y_out = M*x + Mr*decorrelated(x), is aligned with the target matrix 'Cy', given the covariance matrix of input x, Cx=x*x^H, and a prototype mixing matrix Q. For the derivation and a more detailed description, the reader is referred to [1,2].

Use this function for real-valued input/output matrices. For complex-valued input/output use formulate_M_and_Cr_cmplx().
For an example of how to use this function, one may refer to the implementation of the parametric binaural Ambisonic decoder (described in [3]) found here:, or the relevant unit tests.
[in]hCdfCovariance Domain Framework handle
[in]CxCovariance matrix of input 'x'; FLAT: nXcols x nXcols
[in]CyTarget covariance matrix; FLAT: nYcols x nYcols
[in]QPrototype matrix; FLAT: nYcols x nXcols
[in]useEnergyFLAGSet to '0' to apply energy compensation to 'M' instead of outputing 'Cr'. Set to '1' to output 'Cr'
[in]regRegularisation term (suggested: 0.2f)
[out]MMixing matrix; FLAT: nYcols x nXcols
[out]CrMixing matrix residual, set to NULL if not needed; FLAT: nYcols x nYcols
See also
[1] Vilkamo, J., Ba"ckstro"m, T., & Kuntz, A. (2013). Optimized covariance domain framework for time–frequency processing of spatial audio. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 61(6), 403-411.
[2] Vilkamo, J., & Ba"ckstro"m, T. (2018). Time–Frequency Processing: Methods and Tools. In Parametric Time–Frequency Domain Spatial Audio. John Wiley & Sons.
[3] McCormack, L., Delikaris-Manias, S. (2019). "Parametric first-order ambisonic decoding for headphones utilising the Cross-Pattern Coherence algorithm". inProc 1st EAA Spatial Audio Signal Processing Symposium, Paris, France.

Definition at line 272 of file saf_cdf4sap.c.

◆ formulate_M_and_Cr_cmplx()

void formulate_M_and_Cr_cmplx ( void *const hCdf,
float_complex * Cx,
float_complex * Cy,
float_complex * Q,
int useEnergyFLAG,
float reg,
float_complex * M,
float_complex * Cr )

Computes the optimal mixing matrices.

This function solves the problem of determining the optimal mixing matrices 'M' and 'Mr', such that the covariance matrix of the output: y_out = M*x + Mr*decorrelated(x), is aligned with the target matrix 'Cy', given the covariance matrix of input x, Cx=x*x^H, and a prototype mixing matrix Q. For the derivation and a more detailed description, the reader is referred to [1,2].

Use this function for complex-valued input/output matrices. For real-valued input/output use formulate_M_and_Cr().
For an example of how to use this function, one may refer to the implementation of the parametric binaural Ambisonic decoder (described in [3]) found here:, or the relevant unit tests.
[in]hCdfCovariance Domain Framework handle
[in]CxCovariance matrix of input 'x'; FLAT: nXcols x nXcols
[in]CyTarget covariance matrix; FLAT: nYcols x nYcols
[in]QPrototype matrix; FLAT: nYcols x nXcols
[in]useEnergyFLAGSet to '0' to apply energy compensation to 'M' instead of outputing 'Cr'. Set to '1' to output 'Cr'
[in]regRegularisation term (suggested: 0.2f)
[out]MMixing matrix; FLAT: nYcols x nXcols
[out]CrMixing matrix residual, set to NULL if not needed; FLAT: nYcols x nYcols
See also
[1] Vilkamo, J., Ba"ckstro"m, T., & Kuntz, A. (2013). Optimized covariance domain framework for time–frequency processing of spatial audio. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 61(6), 403-411.
[2] Vilkamo, J., & Ba"ckstro"m, T. (2018). Time–Frequency Processing: Methods and Tools. In Parametric Time–Frequency Domain Spatial Audio. John Wiley & Sons.
[3] McCormack, L., Delikaris-Manias, S. (2019). "Parametric first-order ambisonic decoding for headphones utilising the Cross-Pattern Coherence algorithm". inProc 1st EAA Spatial Audio Signal Processing Symposium, Paris, France.

Definition at line 406 of file saf_cdf4sap.c.