Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the documentation:
- s -
- saf_fft_backward() : saf_utility_fft.h, saf_utility_fft.c
- saf_fft_create() : saf_utility_fft.h, saf_utility_fft.c
- saf_fft_destroy() : saf_utility_fft.h, saf_utility_fft.c
- saf_fft_forward() : saf_utility_fft.h, saf_utility_fft.c
- saf_matrixConv_apply() : saf_utility_matrixConv.h, saf_utility_matrixConv.c
- saf_matrixConv_create() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_matrixConv_destroy() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_matrixConv_reset() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_multiConv_apply() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_multiConv_create() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_multiConv_destroy() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_multiConv_reset() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_rfft_backward() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_rfft_create() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_rfft_destroy() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_rfft_forward() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_sofa_close() : saf_sofa_reader.c, saf_sofa_reader.h
- saf_sofa_open() : saf_sofa_reader.c, saf_sofa_reader.h
- saf_stft_backward() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_stft_channelChange() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_stft_create() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_stft_destroy() : saf_utility_fft.h, saf_utility_fft.c
- saf_stft_flushBuffers() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_stft_forward() : saf_utility_fft.c, saf_utility_fft.h
- saf_TVConv_apply() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_TVConv_create() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- saf_TVConv_destroy() : saf_utility_matrixConv.c, saf_utility_matrixConv.h
- SAFsingle2MEXdouble() : safmex.h
- SAFsingle2MEXdouble_complex() : safmex.h
- SAFsingle2MEXdouble_int() : safmex.h
- setUp() : saf_test.c
- simulateCylArray() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- simulateSphArray() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sldoa_analysis() : sldoa.c, sldoa.h
- sldoa_create() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_destroy() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_estimateDoA() : sldoa_internal.c, sldoa_internal.h
- sldoa_getAnaOrder() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getAnaOrderAllBands() : sldoa.c, sldoa.h
- sldoa_getAnaOrderHandle() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getAvg() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getChOrder() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getCodecStatus() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getDisplayData() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getFrameSize() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getMasterOrder() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getMaxFreq() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getMinFreq() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getNormType() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getNSHrequired() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getNumberOfBands() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getProcessingDelay() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getProgressBar0_1() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getProgressBarText() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_getSamplingRate() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_init() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_initAna() : sldoa_internal.c, sldoa_internal.h
- sldoa_initCodec() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_initTFT() : sldoa_internal.c, sldoa_internal.h
- sldoa_refreshSettings() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setAnaOrder() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setAnaOrderAllBands() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setAvg() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setChOrder() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setCodecStatus() : sldoa_internal.c, sldoa_internal.h
- sldoa_setMasterOrder() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setMaxFreq() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setMinFreq() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setNormType() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- sldoa_setSourcePreset() : sldoa.h, sldoa.c
- smb_pitchShift_apply() : saf_utility_pitch.c, saf_utility_pitch.h
- smb_pitchShift_create() : saf_utility_pitch.c, saf_utility_pitch.h
- smb_pitchShift_destroy() : saf_utility_pitch.c, saf_utility_pitch.h
- sortc() : saf_utility_sort.c, saf_utility_sort.h
- sortd() : saf_utility_sort.c, saf_utility_sort.h
- sortf() : saf_utility_sort.c, saf_utility_sort.h
- sorti() : saf_utility_sort.c, saf_utility_sort.h
- sortz() : saf_utility_sort.c, saf_utility_sort.h
- speex_alloc() : os_support.h
- speex_alloc_scratch() : os_support.h
- speex_free() : os_support.h
- speex_free_scratch() : os_support.h
- speex_realloc() : os_support.h
- speex_resampler_destroy() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_get_input_latency() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_get_input_stride() : speex_resampler.h, resample.c
- speex_resampler_get_output_latency() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_get_output_stride() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_get_quality() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_get_rate() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_get_ratio() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_init() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_init_frac() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_process_float() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_process_int() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_process_interleaved_int() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_reset_mem() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_set_input_stride() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_set_output_stride() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_set_quality() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_set_rate() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_set_rate_frac() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_skip_zeros() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- speex_resampler_strerror() : resample.c, speex_resampler.h
- sph2cart() : saf_utility_geometry.c, saf_utility_geometry.h
- sphArrayAliasLim() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphArrayNoiseThreshold() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphDelaunay() : saf_utility_geometry.c, saf_utility_geometry.h
- sphDiffCohMtxTheory() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphElev2incl() : saf_utility_geometry.c, saf_utility_geometry.h
- sphESPRIT_create() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphESPRIT_destroy() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphESPRIT_estimateDirs() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- SPHI() : saf_utility_bessel.c
- sphIncl2Elev() : saf_utility_geometry.c, saf_utility_geometry.h
- SPHJ() : saf_utility_bessel.c
- SPHK() : saf_utility_bessel.c
- sphModalCoeffs() : saf_sh.h, saf_sh.c
- sphMUSIC_compute() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphMUSIC_create() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphMUSIC_destroy() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphPWD_compute() : saf_sh.h, saf_sh.c
- sphPWD_create() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphPWD_destroy() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphScattererDirModalCoeffs() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphScattererModalCoeffs() : saf_sh.c, saf_sh.h
- sphVoronoi() : saf_utility_geometry.h, saf_utility_geometry.c
- sphVoronoiAreas() : saf_utility_geometry.c, saf_utility_geometry.h
- SPHY() : saf_utility_bessel.c
- spreader_create() : spreader.c, spreader.h
- spreader_destroy() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getAveragingCoeff() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getCodecStatus() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getDAWsamplerate() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getDirectionActivePtr() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getFrameSize() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getIRAzi_deg() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getIRElev_deg() : spreader.c, spreader.h
- spreader_getIRlength() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getIRsamplerate() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getMaxNumSources() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getNDirs() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getNumOutputs() : spreader.c, spreader.h
- spreader_getNumSources() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getProcessingDelay() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getProgressBar0_1() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getProgressBarText() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getSofaFilePath() : spreader.c, spreader.h
- spreader_getSourceAzi_deg() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getSourceElev_deg() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getSourceSpread_deg() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getSpreadingMode() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_getUseDefaultHRIRsflag() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_init() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_initCodec() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_process() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_refreshSettings() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_setAveragingCoeff() : spreader.c, spreader.h
- spreader_setCodecStatus() : spreader_internal.c, spreader_internal.h
- spreader_setNumSources() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_setSofaFilePath() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_setSourceAzi_deg() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_setSourceElev_deg() : spreader.c, spreader.h
- spreader_setSourceSpread_deg() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_setSpreadingMode() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- spreader_setUseDefaultHRIRsflag() : spreader.h, spreader.c
- sumf() : saf_utility_misc.c, saf_utility_misc.h
- synthesiseNoiseReverb() : saf_utility_decor.c, saf_utility_decor.h