49 *phAmbi = (
90 if (pData->
96 free(pData->gainsTF_bank0);
97 free(pData->gainsTF_bank1);
114 pData->
fs = (float)sampleRate;
139 const float *
const * inputs,
140 float*
const outputs,
147 float xG, yG, xL, yL, cdB, alpha_a, alpha_r;
148 float makeup, boost, theshold, ratio, knee;
160 boost = powf(10.0f, pData->
inGain / 20.0f);
161 makeup = powf(10.0f, pData->
outGain / 20.0f);
163 ratio = pData->
172 for(; i<pData->
nSH; i++)
185 for (ch = 0; ch < pData->
nSH; ch++)
189 xG = 10.0f*log10f(powf(cabsf(pData->
inputFrameTF[band][0][t]), 2.0f) + 2e-13f);
193 pData->
yL_z1[band] = yL;
199 if(pData->storeIdx==0)
200 pData->gainsTF_bank0[band][pData->wIdx] = cdB;
202 pData->gainsTF_bank1[band][pData->wIdx] = cdB;
206 for (ch = 0; ch < pData->
nSH; ch++)
215 pData->storeIdx = pData->storeIdx == 0 ? 1 : 0;
226 for(ch = 0; ch <
nSH, nCh); ch++)
228 for (; ch < nCh; ch++)
232 for (ch=0; ch < nCh; ch++)
327 if(pData->storeIdx==0)
328 return pData->gainsTF_bank0;
330 return pData->gainsTF_bank1;
404 return (
422 return (
Available Ambisonic normalisation conventions.
Schmidt semi-normalisation (SN3D)
(Legacy) Furse-Malham scaling
Available Ambisonic channel ordering conventions.
Ambisonic Channel Numbering (ACN)
(Legacy) Furse-Malham/B-format (WXYZ)
Maximum number of spherical harmonic components/signals supported.
Available spherical harmonic (SH) input/output order options.
First-order (4 channels)
void afSTFT_backward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float_complex ***dataFD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float **dataTD)
Performs backward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_forward_knownDimensions(void *const hSTFT, float **dataTD, int framesize, int dataFD_nCH, int dataFD_nHops, float_complex ***dataFD)
Performs forward afSTFT transform (dataFD dimensions are known)
void afSTFT_getCentreFreqs(void *const hSTFT, float fs, int nBands, float *freqVector)
Returns current frequency vector.
void afSTFT_destroy(void **const phSTFT)
Destroys an instance of afSTFT.
#define TIME_SLOTS
Number of STFT timeslots.
#define HOP_SIZE
STFT hop size.
Number of frequency bands.
void ambi_drc_setKnee(void *const hAmbi, float newValue)
Sets the compressor knee value; 0: hard knee, >0: soft knee, in DECIBELS.
void ambi_drc_init(void *const hAmbi, int sampleRate)
Initialises an instance of ambi_drc with default settings.
int ambi_drc_getChOrder(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the Ambisonic channel ordering convention currently being used to decode with,...
float * ambi_drc_getFreqVector(void *const hAmbi, int *nFreqPoints)
Returns the frequency vector used by the processing.
float ** ambi_drc_getGainTF(void *const hAmbi)
Returns pointers to historic time-frequency data, which may be used for plotting purposes.
int ambi_drc_getNormType(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the Ambisonic normalisation convention currently being usedto decode with,...
int ambi_drc_getProcessingDelay()
Returns the processing delay in samples; may be used for delay compensation features.
float ambi_drc_getThreshold(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the compressor threshold value, in DECIBELS.
int ambi_drc_getGainTFwIdx(void *const hAmbi)
Returns current TF gain data write index.
void ambi_drc_destroy(void **const phAmbi)
Destroys an instance of the ambi_drc.
void ambi_drc_process(void *const hAmbi, const float *const *inputs, float *const *const outputs, int nCh, int nSamples)
Applies the frequency-dependent dynamic range compression to the input spherical harmonic signals.
void ambi_drc_setChOrder(void *const hAmbi, int newOrder)
Sets the Ambisonic channel ordering convention to decode with, in order to match the convention emplo...
void ambi_drc_create(void **const phAmbi)
Creates an instance of the ambi_drc.
float ambi_drc_getKnee(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the compressor knee value 0: hard knee, >0: soft knee, in DECIBELS.
int ambi_drc_getGainTFrIdx(void *const hAmbi)
Returns current TF gain data read index.
void ambi_drc_setOutGain(void *const hAmbi, float newValue)
Sets the compressor output gain value, in DECIBELS.
void ambi_drc_setRelease(void *const hAmbi, float newValue)
Sets the compressor envelope release time, in miliseconds.
void ambi_drc_setNormType(void *const hAmbi, int newType)
Sets the Ambisonic normalisation convention to decode with, in order to match with the convention emp...
int ambi_drc_getNSHrequired(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the number of spherical harmonic signals required by the current decoding order: (current_ord...
float ambi_drc_getOutGain(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the compressor output gain value, in DECIBELS.
void ambi_drc_setRatio(void *const hAmbi, float newValue)
Sets the compression ratio.
void ambi_drc_setInputPreset(void *const hAmbi, SH_ORDERS newPreset)
Sets processing order.
void ambi_drc_setThreshold(void *const hAmbi, float newValue)
Sets the compressor threshold value in DECIBELS.
void ambi_drc_refreshSettings(void *const hAmbi)
Sets all intialisation flags to 1; re-initialising all settings/variables as ambi_drc is currently co...
float ambi_drc_getAttack(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the compressor envelope attack time, in miliseconds.
SH_ORDERS ambi_drc_getInputPreset(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the current processing order (see SH_ORDERS enum)
float ambi_drc_getRelease(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the compressor envelope release time, in miliseconds.
int ambi_drc_getSamplerate(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the DAW/Host sample rate.
float ambi_drc_getInGain(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the compressor input gain value, in DECIBELS.
void ambi_drc_setAttack(void *const hAmbi, float newValue)
Sets the compressor envelope attack time, in miliseconds.
void ambi_drc_setInGain(void *const hAmbi, float newValue)
Sets the compressor input gain value, in DECIBELS.
int ambi_drc_getFrameSize(void)
Returns the processing framesize (i.e., number of samples processed with every _process() call )
float ambi_drc_getRatio(void *const hAmbi)
Returns the compression ratio.
A frequency-dependent Ambisonic sound scene dynamic range compressor (DRC)
Minimum threshold, dB.
Number of time slots of historic TF data.
Maximum output gain, dB.
Maximum input gain, dB.
Minimum knee, dB.
Minimum attack time, ms.
Maximum threshold, dB.
Maximum attack time, ms.
Minimum input gain, dB.
Minimum release time, ms.
-16dB, maximum gain reduction for a given frequency band
Maximum knee, dB.
Minimum ratio, X:1.
Maximum release time, ms.
Maximum ratio, X:1.
Minimum output gain, dB.
void ambi_drc_setInputOrder(SH_ORDERS inOrder, int *nSH)
Sets the internal input order.
float ambi_drc_gainComputer(float xG, float T, float R, float W)
The DRC gain computer.
void ambi_drc_initTFT(void *const hAmbi)
Initialise the filterbank used by ambi_drc.
float ambi_drc_smoothPeakDetector(float xL, float yL_z1, float alpha_a, float alpha_r)
The envelope detector.
A frequency-dependent Ambisonic sound scene dynamic range compressor (DRC)
Framesize, in time-domain samples.
#define SAF_CLAMP(a, min, max)
Ensures value "a" is clamped between the "min" and "max" values.
#define SAF_MAX(a, b)
Returns the maximum of the two values.
void utility_svvcopy(const float *a, const int len, float *c)
Single-precision, vector-vector copy, i.e.
#define SAF_MIN(a, b)
Returns the minimum of the two values.
void ** malloc2d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t data_size)
2-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
void * malloc1d(size_t dim1_data_size)
1-D malloc (same as malloc, but with error checking)
void *** malloc3d(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t data_size)
3-D malloc (contiguously allocated, so use free() as usual to deallocate)
Main structure for ambi_drc.
float ratio
Compression ratio.
float attack_ms
Attack time, in ms.
float knee
Knee width, in dB.
Ambisonic normalisation convention (see NORM_TYPES)
int reInitTFT
0: no init required, 1: init required, 2: init in progress
SH_ORDERS currentOrder
Current input SH order.
void * hSTFT
Time-frequency transform handle.
float yL_z1[HYBRID_BANDS]
Delay elements.
float ** frameTD
Input/output SH signals, in the time-domain; MAX_NUM_SH_SIGNALS x AMBI_DRC_FRAME_SIZE.
float_complex *** inputFrameTF
Input SH signals, in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_SH_SIGNALS x TIME_SLOTS.
float freqVector[HYBRID_BANDS]
Frequency vector.
CH_ORDER chOrdering
Ambisonic channel order convention (see CH_ORDER)
float theshold
Threshold parameter, in dB.
float_complex *** outputFrameTF
Output SH signals, in the time-frequency domain; HYBRID_BANDS x MAX_NUM_SH_SIGNALS x TIME_SLOTS.
float outGain
Post-gain, in dB.
float inGain
Pre-gain, in dB.
int nSH
Current number of SH signals.
float release_ms
Release time, in ms.
int new_nSH
New number of SH signals (current value will be replaced by this after next re-init)
float fs
Host sampling rate, in Hz.